Category Archives: West Asia / Middle East

Syrian Communist Party (Unified) Denounces U.S. Interference in Syria’s Internal Affairs

The following is being reposted here form the Syrian Arab News Agency:

DAMASCUS, – The Syrian Communist Party (Unified) on Wednesday denounced the United States’ prompting armed groups to continue committing murders and not surrender their weapons after the amnesty announced by the government for those who turn in their weapons to the Syria authorities as long as they haven’t committed murder.

In a statement, the party said that the inflammatory US stance reaffirms the US administration’s involvement in the events taking place in Syria.

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Cde. Keith Bennett on Syria

In the following video, Comrade Keith Bennett of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) addresses the may meeting of the Stalin Society. He outlines the imperialist campaign of destabilization facing the Syrian government, the fundamentally progressive nature of the Syrian government, as well as the problems that US/UK sponsored ‘opposition’ forces seek to exploit with MI6 and CIA help to foment regime change.

PFLP stands beside the Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions as great Arab popular movements

The following is from the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

Comrade Hussein al-Jamal, member of the Central Committee of the Gaza branch of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine said on February 2, 2011 that “the Front will never stand aside or claim neutrality toward popular revolution or the national liberation movements in the Arab world. Our Front stands beside all of the Arab people, and especially the peoples of Egypt and Tunisia at this time of their great revolutions.”

In an interview with Gaza-based Voice of the People radio, Comrade Jamal said that the “clock of the Arab world will not go backwards, but instead forwards toward freedom and emancipation from oppression,” adding that the victory of the Arab revolutions would deal a severe blow to Israel and the Zionist movement.

He noted that Israel is currently confused and carefully watching events in Egypt, and warned of attempts by the state meant to subvert the popular revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. Comrade Jamal said further that the common factor of these revolutions is their popular base and origin, and have a fundamentally progressive and leftist character.

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With uprising in Egypt, national liberation struggles intensify in the Middle East

Chicago protest in solidarity with people of Egypt (Fight Back! News/Chapin Gray)

The following analysis by Kosta Harlan is from Fight Back! News:

History is unfolding before our eyes in Egypt this week, as millions of Egyptians take to the streets to demand the ouster of Hosni Mubarak and fundamental democratic reforms. The future is unwritten, but there is no doubt that the Jan. 25 movement marks a turning point in the struggle for national liberation in the Middle East. For what the Egyptian people are proving as they march through the streets demanding justice and pushing back against police forces wielding tear gas and live ammunition, is that the people are stronger than their oppressors.

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The people of Egypt are standing up

Popular uprising against the Egyptian government.

The following is from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization:

With incredible heroism, the spirit of sacrifice and a determination to win, the Egyptian people are taking to streets to end the rule of the hated President Hosni Mubarak. Police stations have been burned to the ground, as has the Cairo headquarters of Mubarak’s political party, the National Democratic Party. While we do not know what the coming hours or days will bring, a few things are clear enough. The people of Egypt have spoken. They are sick and tired of the old order and will fight to bring it to an end.

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PFLP: On the third anniversary of Al-Hakim’s departure, a “sweeping popular revival” on the Arab streets

Popular uprising against the Egyptian government.

The following is from the website of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

On the third anniversary of the departure of Al-Hakim, we see arising now across the Arab world a new Arab popular movement, demanding an end to tyranny and corruption and the establishment of democracy, human rights and economic justice. These popular upsurges are shaking the ground in the Arab world and posing a new and powerful challenge to U.S. imperialism, Zionism, and the Arab regimes which have enabled them by trampling upon their own people for decades. Throughout his life, Al-Hakim maintained his conviction that the Arab masses were capable of making great and revolutionary change, as we are witnessing today, and which has already achieved great results in Tunisia. 

Below we present excerpts from Comrade Dr. George Habash’s 2000 article “Palestine: Between Dreams and Reality,” available at the link in its entirety, and more relevant than ever. Eleven years later, we are witnessing the inevitable and great changes, the “sweeping popular revival” he discussed with the potential to confront our enemies and achieve victory for our Arab nation.

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Tracy Molm describes FBI raid, Grand Jury repression


Tracy Molm, a Minneapolis-based Palestine solidarity activist, describes what happened during the recent FBI raid on her apartment in September, its aftermath, and her solidarity work for Palestinians. Her subpoena has now been reactivated by the grand jury in this assault on First Amendment rights of peace activists. Her presentation was made at the Dec. 4, 2010 People’s Thanksgiving Dinner in Chicago. For more information on the solidarity campaign: