Category Archives: Africa

ZANU-PF’s indigenisation and economic empowerment program

The following is from Zimbabwe’s Herald

PRESIDENT Mugabe yesterday said the indigenisation and economic empowerment programme would take centre stage at the Zanu-PF 12th Annual National People’s Conference, which starts in Bulawayo today.

Speaking during his photographic exhibition at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) last night, the Head of State and Government and Commander-In-Chief of the Zimbabwe Defence Forces said the time has come for ordinary Zimbabweans to have a say in the national economy.

He said the liberation struggle was fought in order to repossess the land from the white minority and empower black people economically.

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Tribute Paid to Gaddafi in London

Interview with Harpal Brar on Libya, Demonization, and Imperialist Motives

Robert Mugabe on Libya, Colonialism, and NATO Aggression

President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe’s speech at the 66th general assembly meeting in the United Nations in which he condemns the aggressive approach towards Libya, violating the UN-Charter and ignoring the peaceful attempts for negotiations and ceasefires proposed by the African Union.

CPGB-ML report from June delegation to Libya

What follows is the report of a CPGB-ML led delegation to Libya in June 2011. What is the situation on the ground? Why should British, European and American workers support the Libyan people and their chosen leadership, Colonel Gaddafi’s government? Why should we oppose NATO? How is this linked with capitalist crisis and worker’s struggle for jobs, pensions and security?

U.S. / NATO attempt to occupy Tripoli, Libyans fight to maintain independence

The following editorial is from Fight Back! News

As the US/NATO-led rebel forces assault the Libyan capital of Tripoli, it is important for antiwar and progressive forces to recognize a few key points. The development of events since the popular North African revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt led to some divisions among progressive forces as the imperialist countries maneuvered to take control of the situation and develop contradictions in North Africa in their favor. In Libya the U.S., France, the U.K., and Italy joined together to take advantage of the discontent among certain sections of the Libyan people, and thereby develop an armed rebel movement to topple the Gaddafi government. This criminal action taken by US and NATO forces should be condemned by all people of conscience. The success of the NATO-led rebels would certainly mean an end to an independent Libya.

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War on Libya: U.S. air strikes, cruise missile attacks begin

The following is from Fight Back! News:

With missiles from French fighter jets and cruise missiles from U.S. naval forces stationed off the coast of Libya, the large scale foreign intervention aimed at overthrowing the Libyan government began on Saturday March 19 – exactly eight years after the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq began.

The air strikes come just 48 hours after the UN Security Council voted – with abstentions from China, Russia, Brazil, India, and Germany – to implement a “no fly zone” over Libya.

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