Category Archives: Study Guide

CPGB-ML: Study of Mao Zedong’s ‘On practice’

The following is from the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) See also the CPGB-ML’s related study of Mao’s “On Contradiction”:

An introduction to Comrade Mao Zedong’s seminal article on the role of practice in the development of human knowledge, and the relationship between theory and practice.

Mao Zedong began his famous article on practice by stating that “man’s activities in production determine all other activities”. Mankind, he explained, is defined by its relationship, through activity, to the means of production. In today’s society we are proletarian or bourgeois, exploited or exploiter, etc.

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In Response to Mike Ely: The Elephant in the Room

The following article is a response, by Professor Toad, to an article polemicizing against the Marxist-Leninist study guide on this site, called “Marxism is Not a Layer Cake” by Mike Ely of the Kasama Project.

First, I would like to clarify one point to avoid confusion. When the article Marxism is Not a Layer Cake was first posted, it was stated that it was a comment on the official Freedom Road Socialist Organization reading list. It has since been clarified that the reading list under discussion is not an official Freedom Road Socialist Organization list, but merely a study guide produced by a person who is a member of FRSO. Similarly, I am not writing this article on behalf of Freedom Road Socialist Organization. The editor of the Marxist-Leninist blog has, of course, had an opportunity to discuss it with me, and I have listened to his input, because he is a respected comrade. I have had some input from certain other comrades as well, in the US and abroad. But this article is solely my own responsibility.

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Against Trotskyism: A Reading Guide

“The entire edifice of Leninism at the present time is built on lies and falsification and bears within itself the poisonous elements of its own decay” – Leon Trotsky, letter to Chkheidze, 1913.

The question of Trotsky is not merely a historical question. Firstly and most importantly it is a question of political line. There are significant political reasons that Trotskyism has failed to ever lead a successful revolution. It is a fact that Trotsky, on the one hand, and Lenin and Stalin on the other, put forward two very different and opposing lines on almost every major question for the international communist movement. Rejected by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and by the Soviet people as well, Trotsky then turned bitterly to the organization of counter-revolution, both within the Soviet Union and internationally.

To help clearify these important points for the international communist movement, The Marxist-Leninist has put together this reading guide. It has been incorporated into the Marxist-Leninist Study Guide as well. The main texts here are (1) M.J. Olgin’s outstanding study of Trotskyism which deals well with the political differences between Bolshevism and Trotskyism, (2) an article by Nadezhda Krupskaya (the wife of Lenin) on Trotsky’s distortions of the history of the October Revolution, and (3) an eyewitness account by Harry Haywood, the great African American Communist leader, of Trotsky’s ideological defeat by Stalin. Many supplementary texts are provided as well. For more on the contributions of Stalin to the ICM, see Long Live the Universal Contributions of Comrade Joseph Stalin.

“It is the duty of the Party to bury Trotskyism as an ideological trend.” – Joseph Stalin

Beginning and Essential readings

Supplemental readings

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Long Live the Universal Contributions of Comrade Joseph Stalin

December 21, 2009 marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin and working and oppressed people around the world will celebrate this historic date. To commemorate the birth of this outstanding proletarian revolutionary here are some quotes, followed by some longer articles, highlighting his achievements and contributions to Marxist-Leninist theory and to the cause of socialism. The Marxist-Leninist would encourage those interested to read the 1947 political biography of Stalin published by the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute as well as the other texts below.

For a collection of material on the struggle of the Bolshevik Party against Trotskyism, see Against Trotskyism: A Reading Guide.

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Collected Documents on the National Question in the United States

The following is a collection of statements, resolutions, books, articles and other documents by various Marxist-Leninists which provide a theoretical analysis of the national question in the U.S. Generally speaking they are listed chronologically. This collection, though necessarily different in format, has been incorporated into the M-L Study Guide.


African American National Question

Chicano National Question

Indigenous Peoples

The Debate Over White Skin Privilege

Ten Essential Classics of Marxism-Leninism

131This is a suplement to my more extensive Marxist-Leninist study guide. Whereas that study guide is broken down by subject, highlighting some of the key texts of scientific socialism within those subjects, this supplement is simply a collection of what I believe are 10 essential works of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao.

  1. Wage-Labor and Capital by Karl Marx
  2. Socialism: Utopian & Scientific by Frederick Engels
  3. What Is To Be Done? by V. I. Lenin
  4. Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism by V. I. Lenin
  5. The State and Revolution by V. I. Lenin
  6. The Foundations of Leninism by J.V. Stalin
  7. Dialectical and Historical Materialism by J. V. Stalin
  8. Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR by J. V. Stalin
  9. On Practice by Mao Zedong
  10. On Contradiction by Mao Zedong

Revolución Colombiana

aleqm5jqb5jixtd7td8msuhvedg6_0qubgMarch 26th was the one year anniversary of the passing away of Manuel Marulanda, founder of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC-EP). In honor of the occassion, I’d like to post here a brief collection of readings on the organization he founded and the revolution that he led, which continues today.

Who are the FARC and why do they fight?

The FARC Speaks Out: Interview with Colombian Revolutionaries (part 1 of 2)

FARC Speaks Out: Interview With Colombian Revolutionaries (part 2 of 2)

Revolution in Colombia: An Interview

Colombia: Mercenaries freed, FARC carries forward fight for liberation

Fidel Castro and the FARC: Eight Mistaken Theses of Fidel Castro

Revolutionary Social Change in Colombia: The Origin and Direction of the FARC-EP (Book Review)


Statements and Resolutions on the Colombian Revolution from FRSO

Resolution in Support of the Colombian Revolution

Revolution in Colombia: ISO stands on the wrong side (March 2008)

manuel_floresRevolutionary Martyrs

Manuel Marulanda: In the fight to end oppression, he never missed his mark (May 2008)

A Salute to Comrade Raúl Reyes: His spirit and work will live forever (March 2008)

Colombian rebel leader murdered: Reflections on meeting with Raul Reyes

Free Ricardo Palmera!

simonThe Facts about the Ricardo Palmera Case

60 Years in Prison for Colombian Revolutionary Ricardo Palmera

Free Colombian Revolutionary Leader Ricardo Palmera! U.S. Imperialism, Hands Off Colombia! statement by Jose Maria Sison

Interview with Imelda Daza-Cotes

See also the Colombia page at Fight Back! News: