Category Archives: Labor Movement

World Federation of Trade Unions meets in Athens, Greece

The following is from Fight Back! News:

Athens, Greece – Under banners reading, “Class Unity and Struggles; Internationalism and Solidarity,” 800 trade union leaders from around the world came together here, April 7, for the start of the 16th Congress of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU).

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October 2nd: All Out for Jobs, Education, Peace and Equality!

The following statement is from the Network to Fight for Economic Justice (NFEJ):

October 2nd, 2010, at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.

The Network to Fight for Economic Justice (NFEJ) is calling on all affiliates and supporters to rally for Jobs, Education, Peace and Equality, on October 2nd in Washington D.C. Initiated by the NAACP and labor unions, along with hundreds of progressive organizations, this rally promises to be powerful. The NFEJ is an endorser and is calling upon our members and affiliates to promote and mobilize our unions, community groups, poor people’s organizations, and student groups. We want to build our own movement that brings real change to the society we live in.

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25th anniversary of historic Hormel strike commemorated in Austin, Minnesota

The following article by Mick Kelly is from Fight Back! News:

Ray Rogers speaking at P-9 strike commemoration. (Fight Back! News/Mick Kelly)

Austin, MN – About 200 veterans of the famous Hormel strike – members of Local P-9, along with their families and supporters – gathered here at the American Legion Hall to commemorate strike’s 25th anniversary. Among those in attendance were P-9 President Jim Guyette, Vice-president Lynn Huston, Pete Winkles and Ray Rogers. The event was sponsored by the United Support Group.

Participants in the strike spoke about the necessity of it and of their pride in participating in this historic battle of labor. Many, who paid dearly for their efforts, said if given the opportunity, they would do it again.

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What’s an ‘independent’ union? Imperialist strategy vs. worker militancy in China

The following article by  Deirdre Griswold is from Workers World:

Can it be just a coincidence?

After a wave of strikes at foreign-opened firms in China — strikes that were supported by the government and gained significant wage increases for the workers — the business media in the United States and other imperialist countries are complaining that China is taking an economic turn harmful to their interests.

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Another week, another 300,000 unemployed lose their federal unemployment benefits while senators take a break

The following article by Masao Suzuki is from Fight Back! News:

San José, CA – On July 8, the U.S. Department of Labor reported that almost 350,000 unemployed were dropped from federal unemployment insurance rolls. This is the second week in a row that the number of Americans collecting Federal Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) and Extended Benefits (EB) has dropped by more than 300,000. Funding for these programs has run out, and Republicans in the Senate have blocked a vote to provide moneys for federal unemployment insurance benefits. As a result, jobless workers are getting cut off of their federal unemployment insurance benefits by the hundreds of thousands each week.

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How the Communist Party of China Safeguards Workers’ Interests During Crisis

The following is the contribution of the Marxist Institute – Academy of Social Sciences People’s Republic of China, Prepared by Enfu Cheng and Shuoying Chen, researchers at Marxism Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, P.R. China, to the nineteenth International Communist Seminar on “The consequences of the economic crisis and the intervention of communist parties,” Brussels, 14-16 May 2010.

Since the global financial crisis broke out, the Communist Party of China has let government and trade unions play their full role in safeguarding workers’ interests with regard to employment and social security, etc.

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Republican filibuster cuts off Federal Extended Unemployment Insurance

The following article by Masao Suzuki is from Fight Back! News:

Senate Republican filibuster cuts off Federal Extended Unemployment Insurance, Democrats refuse to use reconciliation process

San José, CA – On June 24, Republican Senators, along with Nebraska Democrat Ben Nelson blocked a vote on extending Federal Unemployment Insurance benefits. After the 57-41 vote to end debate (60 votes are needed in the Senate to stop arguing and start voting), Democratic Senate leader Harry Reid of Nevada pronounced the measure dead.

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