Strathbogie Inc – Sevens Creek and the community which cares about it


As a result of a biodiversity grant the Euroa Arboretum, the Euroa Environment group and Strathbogie Voices, have been restoring the Sevens Creek in Euroa.

With the recent heatwave the community got out and watered the recent plantings in an early evening.

The program has been running for years and the creek is now grassed with local species.  Bird counts have demonstrated the success of the program.

Communities all over Australia have been doing this sort of grounded work and our environment is improved as a direct result.

All credit to the #citizens.


Strathbogie Inc met with Friends of the Earth last week to talk #ClimateElection2019


In #Euroa last week members of #StrathbogieInc met with Leigh Ewbank and Kate Wattchow to talk about the climate election we are expecting in either March or May 2019.

Leigh and Kate traveled up from Melbourne to discuss our work in the region.  This is one of a number of visits Leigh has made to Euroa to talk about community development and renewable energy.

Our interest in both matters is playing out in the work the Euroa Environment Group is doing with MondoPower to build a microgrid in Euroa which will involve businesses, and solar and battery installations. The work is being funded by a grant from the Victorian Government from the Green Energy Jobs Fund.

Our community  developed a capacity in grant writing when we submitted a proposal for funding for a feasibility study for a Pumped Hydro Energy Storage  proposal out of the Strathbogie Ranges from dams which were already in situ.

Communities everywhere are developing the skills to run with renewable energy and as the storage issues are being addressed this will mean we can become energy producers rather than just consumers.

The momentum is with change.  And it will be very interesting to see how this translates in the #ClimateElection2019.


Paris COP21 2015: via Laos and Vietnam

Je virai a Paris apres Laos et Vietnam Le mois prochaine!

Strathbogie Voices is taking the community video to the Paris climate talks and we will be reporting on civil society for the duration of the talks.