Tag Archives: People’s War

Unified CP of Nepal (Maoist) marks 15th Anniversary of the People’s War

The following statement is from the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist):

Greetings of 15th Anniversary of the People’s War

On the auspicious occasion of the 15th Anniversary of the Great People’s War launched with the goal of new democratic revolution, we extend our heartfelt Best Wishes and militant salutation to the entire Nepalese people and working people the world over. In this historic occasion, we would like to remind you the reality that the Nepalese revolution is heading towards the decisive turning point of great possibilities and serious challenges. On this occasion, expressing our emotional homage to all the great martyrs of People’s War, we would like to recall with high regard the disappeared fighters. We revise our strong resolution and firm commitment to move forward to the direction of ceaseless revolution to make the Great Dreams of the Martyrs come true. On this historical occasion of the People’s War Day, we express our deep sympathy to the wounded, disabled and the victims suffering from the damage of life and property in the course of people’s war.

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Jose Maria Sison on the Significance of the First Quarter Storm of 1970

The following is from the website of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines:

Significance of the First Quarter Storm of 1970
Statement in Celebration of its 40th Anniversary

Founding Chairman, Kabataang Makabayan
Founding Chairman, Communist Party of the Philippines

We are happy to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the First Quarter Storm of 1970. This was the series of protest mass actions, which began on January 25, 1970 and continued up to March of 1970. It is chronicled by Jose F. Lacaba’s Days of Disquiet and Nights of Rage and commented upon by Amado Guerrero’s First Quarter Storm of 1970.

At the beginning, ten thousand students, urban poor youth, workers and peasants massed in front of Congress in order to express themselves against the anti-national and anti-democratic policies of the Marcos regime and against the excessive spending of public money to reelect Marcos as president.

Their peaceful demonstration was brutally attacked by the police with truncheon and gunfire upon the signal of Marcos himself after delivering his “state of the nation address”. The demonstrators fought back for several hours with bare fists, wooden handles of placards and stones.

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India: War Against the People and the Historic Lalgarh Movement

This article by Amit Bhattacharyya, a professor of history at Jadavpur University in Kolkata was posted by Democratic Students Union on December 31, 2009.

War Against the People and the Historic Lalgarh Movement

-Amit Bhattacharyya 

The Indian ruling classes and the central government they have set up to serve them have very recently declared one of the most unjust and brutal wars against the people which is quite unprecedented in the history of our country. Such a massive mobilization of armed forces, paramilitary forces, police forces and air forces totalling around 1 lakh personnel, along with US-Israel military assistance of various types only highlights the magnitude of the war.

They have identified the Maoists as the ‘greatest threat to the internal security of the country since independence’ i.e, the security of the Indian ruling classes. The entire forested region in central and eastern India have been divided into seven Operating Areas, which they want to ‘clear’ within the next five years of all resistance, including that by the Maoists and other Naxalite organizations. A massive amount of money to the tune of Rs.7300 crore has already been earmarked for meeting the cost of this war. 

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FARC-EP War Report: January-June 2009

The following is from the website www.bolivarsomostodos.org

According to the war reports coming from Eastern Bloc, Southern Bloc and United-Western Command, in June 2009 during the confrontations between guerrilla and enemy forces and the guerrilla attacks against these forces, at least 83 soldiers and police officers were killed and 103 injured.

As a result enemy forces have suffered totally 186 casualties in these regions. During  the confrontations 6 of our comrades were killed, other 6 injured and 1 captured. The attacks on the enemy air forces have resulted 3 helicopters and 2 aircrafts damaged. A piranha military boat, an oil pipeline and 3 energy suppliers were destroyed. During the assault on the military bases and points we obtained 7 Galil and 1 M-16 automatic guns, 20 magazines and 740 bullets belonging to them, 9 M-26 and 2 M-60 bomb-launchers, innumerable mobile phones and military documents. We have not received the reports from other blocks and fronts for June 2009 yet.

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A Brief Primer on India’s Maoists

This article is being reposted here from Revolution in South Asia, and was originally published in Radical Notes, November 19, 2009.

War Against the Maoists: But Who Are They and What Do They Want

Author’s Note: This is meant to be a simple and brief exposition of the goals and strategies of the Maoist movement in India for people who may not have much awareness about it and are confused by the propaganda in the mainstream media. This does not go into the arcane debates about mode of production in India, the debates among communist revolutionaries over strategy and tactics etc. This aims at people who, for example, are perplexed why the Maoists, instead of trying to ensure safe drinking water like an NGO, rather, often resort to violent activities against the Government.

Rita Khanna

The Indian government is launching a full-scale war against the Maoist rebels and the people led by them in different parts of the country. The initial battles, without any formal announcement, have already started. For this purpose, they intend to deploy about 75,000 security personnel in parts of Central and Eastern India, including Chhattisgarh, Orissa and Jharkhand. The government will organize its regular air-force in addition to paramilitary and specially trained COBRA forces. The air-force has begun to extend its logistic support.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Home Minister P. Chidambaram have declared the Maoist rebels to be ‘the biggest internal security threat’ to India and a hindrance to ‘development’. The mainstream media seem to have taken them at their face value. Their publications and television programmes seem to be building a war-hysteria against the Maoist rebels regardless of the fact that this attack by the government will be directed against some of the most deprived of the Indian people. Indeed this is turning into a war of the state against its own people!

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The Andolan in Kathmandu and the Revolution to Follow

The following article by Gary Leupp is from CounterPunch. Please see his previous article, Nepal: The Tactic of General Insurrection:

“So far,” notes Peter Lee of the Asia Times, “Western media have reported remotely and somewhat uncomprehendingly on the massive demonstrations in Kathmandu led by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), with a marked lack of interest. This perhaps reflects the shared desire of the Indian, Chinese and Western governments not to inflame the situation with excessive attention and rhetoric.” He refers to the two-day action in the Nepali capital Thursday and Friday.

But those demonstrations should be of enormous interest.  According to AsiaNews, “The second phase of the so-called ‘people’s movement-III’ saw more than 150,000 participants, including former Maoist guerrillas and United Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist (UCPM-M) members of parliament and militants, gathered around the  Singha Durbar, Nepal’s official seat of government.”

The Maoists virtually paralyzed the government in a stunning display of power. All the top Maoist leaders marched through the city, some meeting the police at the barricades and breaking through  to assume positions around Singha Durbar where they addressed the huge crowd.

It was overwhelming a peaceful, even festive andolan or mass demonstration, although there were some clashes with police. A senior Maoist leader, Krishna Bahadur Mahara, was among those wounded. He told Agence France-Presse, “We are now giving the government and other parties an opportunity to look into our demands.  The ball is in the government’s court.” The most powerful Maoist figure, former prime minister Prachanda, issued a sharper warning to the regime, giving it a seven-day ultimatum (to November 20) to restore “civilian supremacy” or face a general strike and other strong protests.

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The Tactics of General Insurrection and Protracted People’s War in Nepal

The following article is from Dissident Voice:

Nepal Protest

Nepal: The Tactic of General Insurrection
by Gary Leupp / November 2nd, 2009

[N]ow we are focusing on the mass movement… [N]ow we [can] really practice what we have been preaching. That means the fusion of the strategy of PPW [Protracted People’s War] and the tactic of general insurrection. What we have been doing since 2005 is the path of preparation for general insurrection through our work in the urban areas and our participation in the coalition government.

– Maoist leader Baburam Bhattarai, interview with the Britain-based World People’s Resistance Movement, October 26, 2009

Today (November 1) Nepal’s Maoists initiate, with torch rallies in Kathmandu, a mass movement to bring down the regime. This is the regime that succeeded the one their chair Prachanda headed as prime minister from August 2008 to May 2009–a compromise arrangement, always understood to be temporary and transitional, that collapsed when the Nepali Army refused to take orders from the Maoist prime minister.

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