Category Archives: Student Movements

SDS Holds 5th National Convention, Lays Plans to Build Student Movement

The following article by Mike Gold is from Fight Back! News:

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) 5th National Convention, October 2010, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. (Fight Back! News/Staff)

Milwaukee, WI – On Oct. 23-24, around 100 student activists from across the country converged here for the fifth Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) National Convention.

From Diablo Valley and Los Angeles, California, Dallas, Texas, Gainesville, Florida and College Park, Maryland, SDS chapters came together to share their experiences organizing locally and to discuss the two major campaigns – education rights and anti-war – that SDS has been leading nationally and to talk about the next steps for the student movement in the U.S.

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Interview with FRSO student leader on the campus movement and October 7 protests

Education rights protest in Milwaukee, WI. (Fight Back! News/Staff)

The following is from Fight Back! News:

Interview with FRSO student leader on the campus movement and October 7 protests
States more students are becoming revolutionaries and communists

Fight Back! interviewed Kas Schwerdtfeger, a co-chair of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization student commission.

Fight Back!: What are the big issues on campus this fall? Where is the student movement at right now?

Kas Schwerdtfeger: Like last year, students are facing the effects of budget cuts on their campuses – from fee and tuition hikes to cuts in services. Most schools have only been in session for a few weeks, but already we are seeing students protest at the University of New Orleans over budget cuts, ending in a occupation of the chancellor’s office and confrontations with police. On some campuses the mood may be simmering resentment, on others, outrage, but students across the country are realizing that each semester brings more cuts, making education more and more expensive, inaccessible, and of less and less quality.

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Excitement Builds for SDS National Convention and Education Rights

The following article by Kas Schwerdtfeger is from Fight Back! News:

Milwaukee, WI — The new school year has started at many campuses and members of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) are preparing for this year’s important SDS National Convention. Set for Oct. 22-24 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the convention will be the first since the historic March 4 Protests for Education Rights that took place in 36 states around the country. Because of the greatest economic crisis since the 1930’s Great Depression, most state governments are now in budget crisis, with politicians trying to shift the burden onto working people and making cuts to public education. SDS is building the movement opposing cuts to public education and hopes their fall convention draws more new students to attend and coordinate plans for the school year.

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Victory for the Milwaukee 16! UWM offers to drop charges!

The following article is from Fight Back! News:

Milwaukee, WI – The Milwaukee 16, the students who were arrested at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) on March 4, the National Day of Action to Defend Education, have achieved victory. On June 29, the University offered to drop the charges and the investigation into the conduct of the UWM campus police continues.

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Progress for Kofi Adu-Brempong, charges dropped

The following article by Jared Hamill is from Fight Back! News:

Gainesville, FL – There is progress in the case of Kofi Adu-Brempong, the University of Florida graduate student shot in the face by campus police after they invaded his apartment on March 2nd. Kofi is still recovering after a white policeman shot his jaw off with an assault rifle at close range. One week ago State’s Attorney Bill Cervone agreed to drop charges against Kofi, an African immigrant. Fernando Figueroa of Gainesville Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) said, “When these racist police put criminal charges on Kofi, they really added insult to injury. We are relieved the charges were dropped, but there should not have been any in the first place.”

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Fight Back! at the U.S. Social Forum

The following is from Fight Back! News:

Detroit, MI – Supporters and friends of Fight Back! are building towards the U.S. Social Forum in Detroit on June 22-26. There will be thousands of activists, students and organizers for social change. Many are hoping to learn about building the people’s fight back during the current economic crisis. Students will be discussing how to oppose cutbacks to education while the White House spends billions on wars and occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Latin America solidarity leaders from across the country will speak about stopping seven new U.S. bases in Colombia and the spread of U.S. militarism.

On Friday, June 25 the Freedom Road Socialist Organization and the L.A. Labor Community Strategy Center are doing a workshop to discuss strategy for revolution in the U.S. It promises to spark lively discussion, based on mutual respect for each other’s organizing experiences. Come along and look for Fight Back! at the Freedom Road Socialist Organization table and other locations. Below is a list of workshops about some of the peoples’ struggles and movements covered by Fight Back!

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Battleground Arizona

The following article, Battleground Arizona: Students Take the Streets for Immigrant Rights and Against Racism: Undocumented students arrested in McCain’s office, held for deportation, by James Jordan, is being reposted here from Fight Back! News:

Tucson, AZ – Arizona has seen an explosion of Chicano and Mexicano led student resistance to racist laws and in defense of the right to a quality education. Nowhere is this more evident than in the city of Tucson, which is singled out for attack by racist elements of state government. The struggle has attracted attention across the nation. Since the state House and Senate adopted the anti-immigrant and anti-Latino law, SB1070, thousands of students have walked out of school in protest and there has been a wave of youth-led direct actions.

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