Category Archives: Music

Revolutionary Black Metal: “Prepare for battle, comrades!”

The following is from the U.S. Black Metal band, Typhonic Age. This track, “Storm the Heavens” is being posted here since the lyrical content and imagery reflects the revolutionary outrage of so many of the current upheavals. This track and others are available for free download from the band’s bandcamp page.

Lyrics:  Continue reading

David Rovics: Comrades Come Rally!

David Rovics dedicates The Internationale, the anthem of the international working class, to the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, targets of recent FBI attacks, including infiltration, raids, and an ongoing Grand Jury investigation. For more info on the broad push-back to this McCarthyite witch hunt, see

Nathalie Cardone: Hasta Siempre

To commemorate the 82nd anniversary of the birth of the heroic Marxist-Leninist guerrilla leader, Ernesto Che Guevara, here is Nathalie Cardone’s video for “Hasta Siempre

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Music and Culture of Struggle in the Colombian Revolution

The Marxist-Leninist has previously posted music by FARC-EP musician Julian Conrado. These songs and poems are by Jaime Nevado.

“The FARC-EP guerrilleros play, sing, write poetry and books, tell stories, put on plays and paint, etc. The most sensitive men and women, reflecting the reality around us, transform our culture into an orally and visually attractive form, nourishing the patriotic and revolutionary sentiment of thousands of fighters, their friends and thousands of people who today listen to the songs, read books, recite poetry and watch films made by the guerrilleros … Culture occupies a very large space and plays an important role in the life of each guerrillero in the FARC-EP … There is a cultural hour from 7 to 8 p.m. in all guerrilla camps, when the public order situation permits. In this hour there may be a book reading, a lecture, the reading of a poem, singing, or a fiesta to dance the current rhythms and compositions of the guerrilleros. This is a space created so that culture is present in the struggle of our people.”

“Revolutionary culture is present and is nurtured by the people. It is the expression of rebellion charged with social content that has flourished in spite of everything throughout our history – in spite of the massacres, the bullets and the negation with which they think they can silence the voice of the people.”

— FARC-EP, quoted in Revolutionary Social Change in Colombia: The Origin and Direction of the FARC-EP by James J. Brittain, pp. 200-201

See also the youtube page for the Bolivarian Movement for a New Colombia (MBNC):

The following video is from the MBNC:

Martin Luther King’s final speech in Memphis, like you’ve never heard it before

Typically the Gregory Brothers do the youtube show Autotune the News in order to try and respond to serious subjects in a popular and funny way, while taking a jab at pitch correction in music. But there’s nothing particularly funny about this video, which the Gregory Brothers posted for MLK Day 2010. It may not be to everyone’s liking, but it is certainly an interesting tribute.

The Marxist-Leninist posted the following article for MLK Day 2010: Mao Zedong on the Assassination of Martin Luther King.

Red Shadow – The Economics Rock and Roll Band: Understanding Marx

Lily Allen and Manchester Pride: F*ck You!

Or, as the Unity Statement of Freedom Road Socialist Organization puts it,

Marxist- Leninists Must Uphold Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Liberation and the Fight Against All Forms of Homophobia and Heterosexism

The struggle for the rights of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgender people is a struggle for basic human rights. It includes the struggle to extend all democratic rights to LGBT people including immigration, parenting, and the right to be free from violence in society and for the opportunity to participate equally in all aspects of society. 

The Right wing has mounted a full-scale assault on the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people seeking to dehumanize in order to justify persecution and the denial of basic human rights. Rather than buying into narrow definitions of family, we must support full legal and social acceptance of all forms of family. We know that this benefits not only queers but also takes in social and economic reality of the working class as a whole. Furthermore, we recognize the majority of queers are working class. We must actively oppose homophobia and heterosexism in all of their forms, in society and within our organization. We must also stand with Bisexual and Transgender people against attempts to submerge their struggles within the Lesbian and Gay rights movement. We work for the construction of a socialist society that will continue to fight for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender liberation in all of its institutions. 

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender movement has effectively challenged social oppression and, by winning the freedom to come out, expanded the possibilities of human sexuality in this society. This movement has led the way in fighting AIDS, one of the most devastating health crises of our time. Throughout history, queers have also been front line fighters in both the workers and national liberation movements. It has inspired the entire progressive movement with its courage and militancy; this movement has fought for and won real gains and freedoms for all people. It is a progressive movement, and revolutionaries should encourage and help lead it. As in all the mass movements where we organize, we strive for the leadership and empowerment of oppressed nationalities and working class people within the Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, and Transgender liberation movement. Just as Lenin was the first to strike down anti-queer laws, so too will we fight to land a crushing blow to anti-queer oppression.