WA News

Perth weather: Suburbs to hit 42 degrees, and the Doctor ain't coming

As Perth readies for a stinker on Wednesday, with metropolitan areas forecast to reach 42 degrees, the Bureau of Meteorology has warned not to expect relief from the Fremantle Doctor. 

Perth city is forecast to reach 41 degrees, and Armadale and Midland 42, temperatures well above the December monthly average of 29.1. 

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Any sea breeze is likely to be very close to the coast so there may be little relief, said Bureau spokesman Neil Bennett.

Even heading to the coast itself might be a poor bet. 

"If you look at the winds tomorrow by five o'clock there are still north-easterlies. At best, there will perhaps be a north-westerly by five but even that will not penetrate too far inland," he said. 

Meanwhile, talk of major swells for beaches on Christmas day was somewhat premature. 


"We don't actually have a forecast that gives numbers for the swells until Thursday," Mr Bennett said. 

"The indication is that they will be quite high offshore but they are not out of the ordinary except perhaps in their direction.

"Everything we have got is computer model guidance and what people may be looking at is well offshore and not indicative of metro beaches on the Sunday.

"While there is always merit in sending a safety message to holidaymakers who may not be used to swell conditions, it's not going to be monstrous."

Surf Lifesaving WA said it expected to have more accurate predictions by Friday and would then be able to offer guidance for people planning to spend Christmas at the beach.

Perth forecasts

Wednesday, December 21: 23-41, very hot, mostly sunny
Thursday, December 22, 19-29, mostly sunny
Friday, December 23, 18-33, sunny
Saturday, December 24, 20-33, sunny
Sunday,December 25, 18-33, mostly sunny 
Monday, December 26, 18-26, partly cloudy