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Documents from the Sixth FRSO Congress, 2010

6th Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization
"We are advancing in the struggle, and building the people’s fight backs. This is a congress of victory."

Statement on FRSO's Sixth Congress

FRSO's 2010 Main Political Report

The U.S. Economy

Domestic Political Report

International Situation


Continue the Struggle Against Effects of the Economic Crisis

Resolution on the Struggle for Immigrant Rights

Boycott Arizona

Support the Colombian Revolution!

Solidarity with Iran

Support Palestinian Liberation!   

Resolution granting honorary membership to Iwao Lewis Suzuki

FRSO 6th Congress Documents




Freedom Road Socialist Organization is a Marxist-Leninist organization in the United States. This website contains information about our organization, our politics and some of our activities in the people's movements.
www.frso.org | email us | PO Box 87613, Chicago, IL 60680-0613, USA