Tag Archives: self-determination

U.S. / NATO attempt to occupy Tripoli, Libyans fight to maintain independence

The following editorial is from Fight Back! News

As the US/NATO-led rebel forces assault the Libyan capital of Tripoli, it is important for antiwar and progressive forces to recognize a few key points. The development of events since the popular North African revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt led to some divisions among progressive forces as the imperialist countries maneuvered to take control of the situation and develop contradictions in North Africa in their favor. In Libya the U.S., France, the U.K., and Italy joined together to take advantage of the discontent among certain sections of the Libyan people, and thereby develop an armed rebel movement to topple the Gaddafi government. This criminal action taken by US and NATO forces should be condemned by all people of conscience. The success of the NATO-led rebels would certainly mean an end to an independent Libya.

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Chicano Moratorium Against War Protest Set for August 28 in East LA

Activists raise a banner commemorating the August 29 Chicano Moratorium. (Fight Back! News/Staff)

The following article is from Fight Back! News:

Los Angeles, CA – The August 29th Chicano Moratorium Organizing Committee held a press conference here Aug. 25 to announce a protest march and rally set for Aug. 28 in East Los Angeles. The march commemorates 40 years since the Chicano Moratorium.

The committee denounced the ongoing war in Afghanistan-Iraq and the U.S. military recruiting targeting Latino youth, especially immigrants. Veteran Chicano activist Carlos Montes urged participation in the event, which is demanding full equality and self-determination for the Chicano nation.

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Solidarity with Iran

The following resolution is from the 6th Congress of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization:

The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) stands in solidarity with the Iranian people against U.S. imperialist intervention in their country. The FRSO recognizes the right of all nations to self-determination without military, economic, or political interference. We condemn U.S. efforts to undermine the Iranian government through acts like funding opposition parties and groups; military posturing, such as positioning military battleships near to Iran’s coast; veiled political threats and false propaganda about the latest elections; sanctions; and all forms of intimidation.

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The other alternative: NDFP 12 Point Program

Jorge "Ka Oris" Madlos , Spokesperson for the NDFP-Mindanao

The following statement on the 37th anniversary of the founding of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines is from PhilippineRevolution.net. See also “All efforts towards building the people’s army and advancing the national democratic revolution to a higher stage!“:

Jorge “Ka Oris” Madlos
National Democratic Front of the Philippines-Mindanao
April 24, 2010

The National Democratic Front in Mindanao (NDF-Mindanao) wishes to congratulate and salute the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), as it celebrates its 37th anniversary, today, April 24. We wish to give also our highest honor to all the revolutionary martyrs who unselfishly offered their lives for the greater interest of the Filipino People.

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All efforts towards building the people’s army and advancing the national democratic revolution to a higher stage!

The following statement on the 37th anniversary of the founding of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines is from PhilippineRevolution.net. See also “The other alternative: NDFP 12 Point Program“:

Maria Malaya
NDF-North-Eastern Mindanao Region
April 24, 2010

Today we celebrate with utmost joy the Filipino people’s gallant struggle for national liberation and genuine democracy under a united front. Thirty seven years ago on April 24, in the face of the fascist Marcos dictatorship, revolutionary organizations came together to form the National Democratic Front (NDF). Through the years the NDF has proven its commitment in advancing the revolutionary struggle of the Filipino people to overthrow the semi-colonial, semi-feudal system which oppresses, deprives and exploits majority of the masses.

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Petition campaign underway to demand freedom for Ricardo Palmera

The following is from Fight Back! News:

The National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera is launching a petition campaign targeting U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. The National Committee is demanding the U.S. government immediately release the Colombian revolutionary and stop violating Palmera’s human rights. Angela Denio said, “The U.S. government is acting like a tyrant in Colombia and abusing Ricardo Palmera in a Colorado prison by chaining him from head to toe with the constant threat of electric shock. It is outrageous. Where is Obama on all of this? He promised to stop torture.”

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CPGB-ML: End the British occupation of Ireland!

The following statement is from the website of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist):

The CPGB-ML urges all British workers to give full support to the campaign to reunite the Irish nation.

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels repeatedly taught that the British working class must support the Irish not only as a matter of justice for Ireland but above all in their own class interest.

It absolutely remains the case that the British proletariat will remain slaves to capital unless and until they stand on the side of the Irish people.

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