Tag Archives: FRSO

FRSO Statement: September 11 ten years later

The following statement from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization is being reposted here from Fight Back! News

Now that ten years are passed since the events of Sept. 11, 2001, we would do well to look back and take note of some of the causes and consequences. We need to sum up and draw lessons. Immediately following the attacks in New York and at the Pentagon, the Bush administration began cynically manipulating events to launch an expansive and ongoing war on the peoples of the world and an escalating campaign of repression here at home under the guise of a ‘war on terror.’ This two-pronged approach to reasserting the power of the U.S. empire at the expense of working and oppressed people is continuing, and in some ways accelerating under the Obama administration.

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6th Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The following statement is from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization:

6th Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization
“We are advancing in the struggle, and building the people’s fight backs. This is a congress of victory.”

The 6th Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) was a great step forward for our organization. Since our last Congress in 2007, we have undergone a period of dramatic growth, in the course of building some important struggles. We are now in the process of consolidating those gains, and are well positioned to expand further in the years to come. Delegates to the 6th Congress hailed from Alabama, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, and Wisconsin.

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Celebrate the 100th International Women’s Day!

In honor of International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, The Marxist-Leninist is posting a number of articles throughout the month of March on women’s liberation, particularly those that deal with the question from a revolutionary communist perspective. As Women’s History Month continues, more articles will be posted on this website and they will then be collected here. For more on women’s liberation, please see the section of the Marxist-Leninist Study Guide on Proletarian Feminism and Women’s Liberation as well as the other posts on women’s liberation.

“Genuine equality between the sexes can only be realized in the process of the socialist transformation of society as a whole.” – Mao Zedong
Long Live International Women’s Day!

Comrade Shireen Abu-Oun of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Ka Joy of the New People's Army of the Philippines

Guerrilleras of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - People's Army (FARC-EP)

Women's Militia in Socialist Cuba

FRSO: Education is Under Attack!

The following statement is from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization:

Today education is under attack. Tuition and fee hikes are closing the doors to higher education. Working class and even many middle class college students are being forced out or are taking on crushing debts. Cuts in financial aid and student services and extra fees for undocumented students are limiting access. Furthermore, programs won through past struggles such Ethnic Studies and campus Women’s Centers are coming under attack. We say “Education is a Right, Not a Privilege”!

Across the country students are fighting back. Mass protests and building occupation rocked the University of California in opposition to tuition hikes. Workers, teachers, and their unions have joined with students to fight for their jobs and for education. The recession and financial meltdown have led to the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Lay-offs, foreclosures, and budget cuts are hitting our communities while the government bails out the big banks and corporations. March 4 is a national day of action to fight these cuts on campuses and schools across the country.

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Revolutionary Social Change in Colombia: The Origin and Direction of the FARC-EP

The following book review is from Fight Back!, the newspaper of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization:

Book Review
Revolutionary Social Change in Colombia: The Origin and Direction of the FARC-EP

By Josh Sykes | February 6, 2010

Professor James J. Brittain’s new book, Revolutionary Social Change in Colombia: The Origin and Direction of the FARC-EP (Pluto Press, London: 2010), is a thoroughly researched and documented academic study of the Colombian revolution and of its largest and longest lasting guerrilla organization, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP). This alone makes it almost unique. Add to this the fact that it is based on five years of extensive research in Colombia’s countryside, both with the FARC and with the rural population, and it becomes clear that we have a one-of-a-kind book. What this study amounts to is a systematic and thorough defense of the FARC, facing the myths and allegations against the FARC squarely and putting them to rest. On this point, the book is invaluable.

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The Marxist-Leninist’s Top Ten of 2009

Happy New Year! Here are the top ten posts of 2009, highlighting some of the key political moments for the people’s struggles around the world over the past year. They have been selected by The Marxist-Leninist based on their popularity as well as their overall political significance.

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Against Trotskyism: A Reading Guide

“The entire edifice of Leninism at the present time is built on lies and falsification and bears within itself the poisonous elements of its own decay” – Leon Trotsky, letter to Chkheidze, 1913.

The question of Trotsky is not merely a historical question. Firstly and most importantly it is a question of political line. There are significant political reasons that Trotskyism has failed to ever lead a successful revolution. It is a fact that Trotsky, on the one hand, and Lenin and Stalin on the other, put forward two very different and opposing lines on almost every major question for the international communist movement. Rejected by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and by the Soviet people as well, Trotsky then turned bitterly to the organization of counter-revolution, both within the Soviet Union and internationally.

To help clearify these important points for the international communist movement, The Marxist-Leninist has put together this reading guide. It has been incorporated into the Marxist-Leninist Study Guide as well. The main texts here are (1) M.J. Olgin’s outstanding study of Trotskyism which deals well with the political differences between Bolshevism and Trotskyism, (2) an article by Nadezhda Krupskaya (the wife of Lenin) on Trotsky’s distortions of the history of the October Revolution, and (3) an eyewitness account by Harry Haywood, the great African American Communist leader, of Trotsky’s ideological defeat by Stalin. Many supplementary texts are provided as well. For more on the contributions of Stalin to the ICM, see Long Live the Universal Contributions of Comrade Joseph Stalin.

“It is the duty of the Party to bury Trotskyism as an ideological trend.” – Joseph Stalin

Beginning and Essential readings

Supplemental readings

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