Tag Archives: DPRK

Korea Resilient! Socialism in the DPRK

The following is from Return to the Source

On December 22 of last year, “Fight Back! News, which often reflects the views of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), published an outstanding overview of the DPRK and US imperialism in the Korean Peninsula entitled “Korea Stands Strong: Kim Jong-Il in Context.” The piece did a tremendous job outlining the advances made by Korean socialism and the problems arising from continued Western occupation of the southern half of the Korean nation.

In response to Fight Back!’s thorough analysis, along with two other pieces by the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) and the Workers World Party (WWP), David Whitehouse of the International Socialist Organization (ISO) released a hit-piece on Kim Jong-Il and dusted off the typical Cliffite-Trotskyite arguments against actually existing socialism. Published January 12, ‘Socialism in One Dynasty’ rehashes the same anti-communist lines of the ISO that have come to characterize  Trotskyism.

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Video: Report back from CPGB-ML delegation to Democratic Korea

For more info see the website of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

U.S. moves to threaten China as Cheonan farce collapses at UN

Hu Jintao with Kim Jong Il in Pyongyang

The following article is from the August 2010 issue of Proletarian, the journal of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist):

With June 2010 marking the 60th anniversary of the outbreak of US imperialism’s bestial war against the Korean people, which, over the ensuing three years, claimed some four million lives, tensions remain high on the Korean peninsula, involving not simply a confrontation between the socialist Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in the north on the one hand and the United States and its south Korean ally on the other, but also sharply increased tensions between the USA and China.

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Video: Korea is One – Why should we support the DPRK in 2010?

Harpal Brar, Chairman of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) speaks on DPRK:

Why communists love the World Cup

The following commentary by Foster Richards is from Fight Back! News:

Joy. Not just for communists, but anyone. You could see it when New Zealand’s Winston Reid surprised everyone with his first international goal as time ran out on the match against Slovakia. It was a good goal, but his joy, that of his teammates and ‘Kiwis’ everywhere was unsurpassed. Celebration at its best! This is repeated over and over at each World Cup.

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Hands off Korea!

The following article is from the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist):

On Friday 26 March, a south Korean navy vessel, the Cheonan, split into two and sank. At the time, the vessel was 8 miles off the coast of the DPRK and 150 miles from the south Korean mainland. However, it was very close to the island of Baengnyeong, which, while clearly part of north Korea geographically, is in fact held by south Korea, having been bartered during the 1953 armistice talks in exchange for some land, greater in area, south of the 38th parallel to be incorporated into the DPRK.

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Speakers at Minneapolis anti-war event slam war threat on Korean peninsula

The following article is from Fight Back! News:

Minneapolis, MN – Anti-war activists gathered here at May Day Books, June 6, for an anti-war event titled “New War Crisis in Korea?” The featured speakers were Mick Kelly, the editor of Fight Back! newspaper and Meredith Aby, a leader of the Anti-War Committee. The event was sponsored by May Day Books and the Anti-War Committee.

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