Jeremy Scahill
"The best paper in New York City." —Jeremy Scahill, author of "Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army"

Naomi Klein
Naomi Klein
"Giuliani and Disney were supposed to have sucked the soul out of New York City but the amazing team at The Indypendent have helped breathe it back in. In just a few years, The Indypendent has grown into a newspaper with an utterly unique perspective: the perspective of neighborhoods. Locally, it takes readers into fierce community-based struggles for everything from affordable housing and the right to bike. Amazingly, given its tiny budget, it has also managed to bring that same crusading grassroots perspective to national and international coverage, reporting on the whole world as a collection of neighborhoods, all struggling for justice -- from New Orleans' drowned Lower 9th Ward to Lebanon's shattered suburbs to Mexico's cities in revolt. I've been subscribing since the very first issue and it just keeps getting better. Please join me in supporting The Indypendent in whatever way you can." —Naomi Klein, author of "No Logo"

Greg Palast
Greg Palast
The Indypendent investigates and instigates on the issues that matter, giving unconventional and in-depth reports that should be on everyone's reading list. The Indypendent is the antidote to the commercially poisoned piece-of-crap reporting you get in America. We've had enough and we don't have to take it anymore—not as long as we have The Indypendent—the light at the end of the tunnel-vision. - Greg Palast, award-winning investigative journalist and author of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy

Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky
With the rise of international global justice movements, along with growing resistance here to war and oppression and the search for new and more humane directions for society and politics, there is an urgent need for independent media to which activists and concerned citizens can turn for information and analysis that escapes the filters and doctrinal bounds of the establishment spectrum. In brief, there is an urgent need for The Indypendent newspaper of New York City and the global Indymedia network on which so many have come to rely. - Noam Chomsky, Professor, MIT

Jeanine Jackson
Jeanine Jackson
The Indypendent reports the news as if people mattered, and gets engaged in the community it serves and reflects. That makes it not just a critical counterbalance to the corporate press, but an exciting example of what community media can be. - Jeanine Jackson, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) and host of the syndicated radio show CounterSpin
Bob McChesney
Bob McChesney
That this country desperately needs a feisty independent press is beyond question. Fortunately groups like the NYC Independent Media Center have sprung up across the nation to fill this vast chasm. The NYC IMC publishes a terrific newspaper, The Indypendent, that breaks the sort of stories that those in power wish never saw the light of day. I urge you to support this paper and the NYC IMC. - Bob McChesney, author Our Media, Not Theirs and Rich Media, Poor Democracy

Howard Zinn
Howard Zinn
The Indypendent is a refreshing voice in New York journalism. It is bold and original. You will see articles there that you have not seen anywhere else, and a point of view that is arrestingly different. It is a welcome and much needed addition to American journalism. - Howard Zinn, best-selling author of A People's History of the United States

Michael Albert

Michael Albert

The Indypendent, the exemplary print monthly put out by the NYC Indymedia people, is an innovative newspaper bringing serious and unreconstructed news and analysis to the people of the Big Apple. A volunteer project, The Indypendent needs support of all kinds to do its work well. Everyone who cares about peace and justice should consider providing whatever assistance they can. - Michael Albert, Z Magazine