About Us

Founded in 2000 as the print project of the New York City Independent Media Center, The Indypendent is a New York City-based free newspaper and online news site. We publish our print edition 13 times a year on Mondays. We also update our website daily and are active on Twitter and Facebook. We have a print and online audience of more than 100,000 readers. Winner of more than 50 awards from New York Community Media Alliance for excellence in journalism, The Indypendent is funded by subscriptions, reader donations, grants, house parties, merchandise sales and advertising. The newspaper is produced by a network of volunteers who report, write, edit, draw, design, take photos, distribute, fundraise and provide website management. We accept submissions that look at news and culture through a critical lens, exploring how systems of power — economic, political and social — affect the lives of people locally and globally. The Indypendent reserves the right to edit articles for length, content and clarity.