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Teamsters United from the U.S. to Canada

Employers play divide and conquer to keep workers from uniting and having more power. Some Hoffa-Hall officials play divide-and-conquer too. This weekend it was Teamsters Canada’s Francois Laporte’s turn when he tried to pit Canadian and U.S. Teamsters against each other.  

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Corruption, Obstruction & the IBT Election

When Hoffa-Hall’s top lieutenant in the West Rome Aloise was charged with racketeering, they used members’ dues money to cover up the corruption, obstruct investigators and crack down on members’ right to vote. Now, the results of the International Union election may hang in the balance.

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How Hoffa-Hall Tried to Steal the Vote in the South

Hoffa-Hall tried to steal the election in the South before it happened. They even rigged elections to get their way. How grassroots organizing saved the right to vote and paved the way for the Teamsters United victory in the South.

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Teamsters United Wins the South

Teamsters United has cruised to victory in the Southern Region. Congratulations to newly-elected Southern Region VPs John Palmer and Kim Schultz. See Southern local-by-local results here. The vote count has resumed and Central Region results are being tallied now. 

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Democracy Builds Teamster Power

Teamster ballots will be counted this week. As General President Fred Zuckerman will build union power the same way Teamsters United built its campaign: by informing, uniting and mobilizing members. Hoffa-Hall want Teamsters in the dark and toeing the line. That’s why our union is weak and voter turnout is low—and that’s why Hoffa-Hall have to go. 

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More Hoffa-Hall Corruption Charges Filed

Corruption investigators noted Ken Hall’s “unusual tolerance” for repeated embezzlement by the Teamsters Political Director Nicole Brener-Schmitz. Now she faces corruption charges and Ken Hall faces questions about why he let it happen. 

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