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Icarus Film
Distributing innovative and
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The Apology Still The Apology - Former "Comfort Women" who were forced to serve Japanese troops during World War II tell their harrowing stories. Chicago Boys Still Chicago Boys - After the coup in 1973, Chile was turned into a laboratory for the world’s most radical neo-liberal experiment.
Female Directors Still Female Directors - When job prospects elude them, two twenty-something art school graduates decide to film each other’s lives instead. The Good Breast Still The Good Breast - A breast cancer surgeon asks: Has breast cancer been ritualized; has the mastectomy become a modern form of breast sacrifice?
Hissein Habre, A Chadian Tragedy Still Hissein Habré, A Chadian Tragedy - An unprecedented feat in international law: the dictator of Chad, Hissein Habré, is brought to trial. Liberation The User's Guide Still Liberation: The User's Guide - Julia and Katia are inmates held in a Siberian mental facility against their wishes.
Long Story Short Still Long Story Short - Over 100 people at homeless shelters, food banks, and job training centers discuss their experiences of poverty. Nasser's Republic Still Nasser's Republic, The Making of Modern Egypt - The story of the most important political leader in the post-colonial Arab world.
Seasons in Quincy Still The Seasons in Quincy: Four Portraits of John Berger - A portrait of artist, philosopher, writer, storyteller and "radical humanist" John Berger. Sex Lies and Tabloids Still Sex, Lies and Tabloids! - The rise and fall of tabloid papers in the US and UK. Now, tabloids may be gone, but their spirit is everywhere.
Now on Home Video
Under the Sun - A fascinating portrait of one North Korean girl and her parents in the year as she prepares to join the Korean Children's Union on Kim Jong-Il's birthday.

The Homestretch - Three homeless teens in Chicago fight to stay in school, graduate, and build a future. Winner of the 2016 Emmy Award for Outstanding Business and Economic Reporting!
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Last Updated September 27, 2016
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