Moderator Elections 2016!

We're electing 6 moderators (current mods list) & 2 alternatives (top 2 runners-up, for use if a mod leaves).

Vote from 02 January – January 07 January 2017! Read the candidate's campaign propaganda! See the results on 09 January 2017!

If you're interested in checking the ballots after the election, see 👉here👈.

from FuzzyCatPotato (Talk), group Site wide (urgent) at 18:21, 2 January 2017

White separatism

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White separatism is a separatist political movement that seeks separate economic and cultural development for "white people." White separatists generally claim genetic affiliation with Anglo-Saxon cultures, Nordic cultures, or other white European cultures, but not, obviously, the evil darkies of their predecessors. Some also affiliate with white ethnic cultures that developed outside of Europe, like the Neo-Confederates and Boer-Afrikaner Nationalists. Advocates of racial separatism say that separatism differs from racial supremacy in that separatists believe that all races and ethnic groups have the right to develop their own culture separately and any race should not dominate another. They argue that racial differences are "important" and they strongly oppose miscegenation.

Randy Weaver claimed to be a white separatist rather than a white supremacist.

In reality the only difference is one of semantics and the views held are similar whether they call themselves white separatists, nationalists, or supremacists. At the end of the day, "white separatism" is a code phrase used by people whose views are indistinguishable from white nationalism or white supremacy but who want to distance themselves from the latter terms. It fools no one.

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