

U.S. Exclusion from Moscow Talks on Syria Reflect Washington’s Folly in Supporting Anti-Assad Rebels in the First Place

UFAAUnited Front Against Austerity|TWSPTax Wall Street Party

ASNAmerican System Network|Wednesday, December 21, 2016

It’s Still Not Too Late to Dump the Jihadis and Cooperate with the Legal Syrian Government; Erdogan Appears Less and Less as a Reliable Ally; Diseases of Despair: U.S. Opioid Deaths Have Exceeded 30,000 for the First Time Ever; Victims Concentrated in Areas of Worst Unemployment and Exclusion; Bitter Fruits of Cultural Populism: Appalachian Poor Grapple with Looming Demolition of Obamacare and Loss of Coverage Which Their Own Unwise Choices Have Helped to Bring Closer; Dickens’ Christmas Carol Is Call for Humanitarianism and Charity, not Neoliberal Free-Market Cruelty

Obama Reportedly Warned Russian Government on October 31 Over Hotline Not to Interfere in Vote Counts of U.S. Election

UFAAUnited Front Against Austerity|TWSPTax Wall Street Party

ASNAmerican System Network|Tuesday, December 20, 2016

President Wisely Refrained from “Act of War” Rhetorical Posturing; Demagogic Anti-Merkel Propaganda Campaign Escalates Using Pretext of Berlin Christmas Market Terror Attack; Target is Stable Government in the Heart of Europe; No Monetarists in Santa’s Sleigh: Exploring the Frontal Assault on Liberal Economics and Malthusian Demography in Charles Dickens’ Christmas Carol (1843)

Trump Gets Majority in Electoral College; Terror Attack on Berlin Christmas Market Near Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church Appears Calculated to Destabilize Chancellor Merkel as German Elections Loom

UFAAUnited Front Against Austerity|TWSPTax Wall Street Party

ASNAmerican System Network|Monday, December 19, 2016

Russian Ambassador to Turkey Slain By Riot Policeman; Aleppo Evacuation Disrupted Again as “Moderate” Jihadis Burn Busses; Alexander Hamilton’s Explanation of Electoral College in Federalist 68; 40 Million New Productive Jobs Needed to Stabilize US Political System; Nihilism of Despair Seen as Organic Ideology of Right-Wing Cultural Populism

Aleppo Evacuation Proceeding by Fits and Starts; Many Refugees Tragically Headed Back into War Zone in Idlib, Which Is Still Held by Terrorist Rebels

Gulf Monarchies Vow Syria Conflict Will Continue; Three More War Dangers for 2017: Iran, China, and Israel-Palestine; Beijing Rashly Seizes US Submersible in International Waters; German Intelligence Blames Russia in Internet Disruptions; With 4,000 NATO Troops in Defensive Deployments Coexisting With 330,000 Russian Forces, Buildup in Eastern Europe is Not Massive, But Symbolic; Baltic Politicians Should Cool It; War-Avoidance Solution Is UN-Backed International Treaty to Simultaneously Ban Color Revolutions and Hybrid Warfare in Favor of UN Charter’s Rule of Non-Interference in Internal Affairs of Sovereign States

Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.
TARPLEY.net – World Crisis Radio
December 17, 2016

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Aleppo Surrender and Evacuation Disrupted by Shelling of Exit Corridors

UFAAUnited Front Against Austerity|TWSPTax Wall Street Party

ASNAmerican System Network|Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Cui Bono Analysis Points to Terrorist Rebels Themselves as Likely Culprits, but Western Media Blame Iran; Last-Gasp Efforts by Humanitarian Bombers Persist; Essential Cooperation with Russia in Middle East Does Not Contradict Efforts to Stop Foreign Meddling and Enhance Cybersecurity on Internet; Need International Convention to Ban Hacking, Color Revolutions, and Hybrid Warfare; Obama Administration Too Slow in Countering Cyber Attacks on DNC and DCCC; American News Media Focused on Prurient Gossip in Podesta and DNC Emails, Thus Becoming Useful Idiots for Meddlers

Holiday Gift to the World: Terrorist Rebel Resistance Against Syrian Arab Army in Aleppo Has Virtually Ceased

UFAAUnited Front Against Austerity|TWSPTax Wall Street Party

ASNAmerican System Network|Tuesday, December 13, 2016

5,000 Jihadis with Families Will Start Departing in Bus Convoy Headed for Idlib at 10pm Eastern Tonight (03:00 GMT Wednesday), According to Evacuation Agreement Between Russia and Turkey; Qatar Foreign Minister Promises Syrian War Will Continue; Ban Ki Moon and Samantha Power Shed Crocodile Tears and Recriminations at UN Security Council; US Should Offer Assad Government Massive Assistance for Short-Term Humanitarian Operations, Followed by Conference for Marshall Plan for Entire Middle East Financed by Central Banks; FBI and CIA Still Disagree on Russian Role in November Election; Rick Perry Nominated for Secretary of Energy

13 OPEC Member States Plus 11 Others Including Russia Form Expanded Cartel to Cut Production, Increase World Price of Oil

UFAAUnited Front Against Austerity|TWSPTax Wall Street Party

ASNAmerican System Network|Monday, December 12, 2016

Expect Gasoline Price Surge in U.S. During First Half of 2017; Obama Should Take Measures Against This Collusion, Including Using Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Punish Longs; Exxon-Mobil’s Tillerson Not the Right Choice to Face This Challenge; FBI and CIA Split Over Russia’s Role in 2016 Election; Need International Convention to Ban Color Revolutions, Hybrid Warfare, Cyber-Meddling and Similar Interference; Short Critique of British Philosophical Radicalism: The Blind Watchmaker of Darwinian Lore is Bankrupt; The Universe Displays an Inherent Bias in Favor of Development

Syrian Arab Army Now Controls More Than 93% of Aleppo; Final Collapse of Terrorist Rebel Resistance in City Likely This Week

With Call for Truce, NATO and GCC Powers Cry Crocodile Tears for Victims of the al Qaeda Forces They Have Sponsored in Aleppo; “Moderate” Rebels Face Their Greatest Defeat in Over Five Years of Syrian War; U.S. Must Jettison These Treacherous Clients and Deal Honestly with Assad Government; Iraq Army Pushes ISIS Back in House to House Fighting in Mosul; American System of Protectionism and Protective Tariffs as Exemplified by Hamilton, Friedrich List, and Andrew Stewart

Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.
TARPLEY.net – World Crisis Radio
December 10, 2016

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Austerity Kills: U.S. Life Expectancy Declines in 2015, with Rising Death Rate and Increased Mortality from Heart Disease, Stroke, Diabetes, Overdoses, and the Diseases of Despair — Making this No Time for GOP Scheming to Loot and Dismantle Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare

UFAAUnited Front Against Austerity|TWSPTax Wall Street Party

ASNAmerican System Network|Thursday, December 8, 2016

No More Privatizations; Postscripts to Pearl Harbor: Wake Island and the Early 1942 “Golden Time” for U-Boats in the North Atlantic Convoys, When the U.S. Underwent a Strategic Defeat Far Worse than Pearl Harbor for Want of Convoys; Introduction to the American System of Permanent Protective Tariffs

Only True Humanitarian Policy for Aleppo Is Not Yet Another Truce, but Rather Final Liberation of City from Terrorist Rebels and End of Syrian War

UFAAUnited Front Against Austerity|TWSPTax Wall Street Party

ASNAmerican System Network|Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Misguided Humanitarian Proposals Will Only Prolong Conflict; Lavrov and Kerry Should Arrange Speedy Departure of Rebels from City; In Iraq, Mosul Now Completely Encircled by anti-ISIS Forces; On Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Attack, Defending Franklin D. Roosevelt from Absurd Partisan Claims That He Provoked Japan or Kept Hawaii Commanders in the Dark; Heraclitus Presides Over Political Life, Where Shifting Coalitions and Alliances Often Occur; Avoid Relativism by Keeping Great Issues of Human Progress, Not Contingent Personalities, Steadily in Focus