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Estamos buscando unx Coordinadorx de Desarrollo/We are searching for a DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR PDF Print E-mail
Written by Katherine Henao   
Tuesday, 13 December 2016 21:59
School of the Americas Watch (SOA Watch) está buscando emplear unx Coordinadorx de Desarrollo para el comienzo de marzo 2017. Este cargo es de 32 horas por semana y no tiene un requerimiento de ubicación geográfica. SOA Watch tiene dos oficinas en Estados Unidos (Washington, DC y Tucson, Arizona), así como oficinas en Chile y Guatemala. La posición de Coordinadorx de Desarrollo se desempeñará en Estados Unidos y la empleada sería invitada a unirse a una de las oficinas actuales o a trabajar remotamente. Este cargo tiene un salario de $40.000 al año.

En las últimas dos décadas, SOA Watch ha crecido de unas cuantas personas a un movimiento multigeneracional e interconinental y entre los más dinámicos en contra de la militarización en las Américas. Miles han recibido educación y han sido movilizados para rebatir la política extranjera estadounidense e involucrarse en acción directa y no violenta. Nuevos activistas se están uniendo al movimiento para cerrar la Escuela de las Américas (SOA, por sus siglas en inglés), incluyendo muchos jóvenes y estudiantes de comunidades multinacionales y de clase obrera.

Nuestro trabajo no se ha vuelto más fácil. El golpe en Hondura, la represión continua contra la resistencia que favorece la democracia, la expansión de bases militares estadounidenses en Colombia y Panamá y la militarización de la frontera entre EE UU y México son ejemplos sombríos de lo que enfrentamos. Al mismo tiempo, hay esperanza en los movimientos que a lo largo del hemisferio defienden la autodeterminación. Estamos organizando junto con nuestrxs compañerxs en las Américas para mover hacia adelante.

· Generar solicitudes de donaciones y otros materiales de recaudación de fondos
· Investigar y monitorear oportunidades de becas, incluyendo producción de cartas de intención y solicitudes, recopilación y actualización de materiales de apoyo, y el suministro de documentos de seguimiento
· Desarrollar y buscar nuevas formas de recaudar fondos para SOA Watch
· Apoyar grupos locales de SOA Watch con eventos de recaudación de fondos
· Cultivar, fortalecer, construir, mantener y nutrir relaciones con donantes
· Asistir eventos de establecer redes, y eventos y reuniones comunitarios o de nuestrxs compañerxs para cultivar nuevos donantes
· Apoyar el programa de Donaciones Planificadas con mantenimiento y seguimiento de nuestras relaciones con donantes interesados
· Coordinar actividades con el Grupo de Trabajo de Desarrollo y apoyar sus esfuerzos
· Generar oportunidades de recaudación de fondos para eventos anuales (como los Días de Acción de Primavera o la Vigilia)
· Actualizar y mantener los enlaces de donación en la página web
· Mantener la base de datos de donantes
· Crear y actualizar páginas web de donaciones para eventos, correos electrónicas y miembros del Consejo
· Procesar las donaciones y mantener archivos sobre lxs donantes
· Preparar cartas de agradecimiento para lxs donantes y correos electrónicos automáticos para las donaciones por internet
· Proporcionar información sobre la recaudación de fondos para la toma de decisiones del Consejo de SOA Watch y del personal
· Apoyar lx Coordinadorx de Operaciones con la promoción, venta y distribución de recursos de SOA Watch (libros, videos, etcétera)
· Apoyar lx Coordinadorx de Operaciones con el proceso presupuestario
· En conjunto con otrxs empleadxs, atender llamadas y responder a mensajes de activistas de SOA Watch

Calificaciones requeridas
1. Un compromiso fuerte con trabajar en un movimiento de base diverso y fundamentado en la solidaridad con los pueblos de América Latina.
2. Un compromiso con la misión de SOA Watch.
3. La capacidad de trabajar de manera independiente en un entorno impulsado por fechas límites; gestionar exitosamente proyectos de varias dimensiones, prioridades y fechas límites con una supervisión mínima; la entrega and atención a detalles son esenciales.
4. Se prefiere alguien con experiencia en recaudación de fondos para una organización sin fines de lucro y/o familiaridad con el trabajo de defensa desde la perspectiva de un grupo de defensa sin fines de lucro, o de una organización parecida.
5. Capacidades de computación fuertes, incluyendo la capacidad de trabajar con Microsoft Office Suite; buen conocimiento y comodidad con el procesamiento de estos, hojas de cálculos, la combinación de correos electrónicos y funciones avanzadas.
6. Experiencia con y aptitud con bases de datos relacionales; fuertes capacidades de base de datos, incluyendo un alto nivel de entrada de datos, seguimiento y análisis de datos e técnicas forenses de datos; conocimiento de Salsa Labs sería una ventaja.
7. Fuertes habilidades interpersonales y de comunicación.
8. Excelentes capacidades de construir y mantener relaciones.
9. La voluntad de trabajar en un ambiente en el que la toma de decisiones es por consenso.
10. Excelentes habilidades de gestión de tiempo y de proyectos.
11. Un actitud positive y un sentido de humor; una persona con iniciativa y enfocada en los detalles que quiera ser parte de un equipo.
12. Fluidez o competencia en inglés e español (hablar, leer, escribir).

Como solicitar el cargo
Por favor envíe su currículo, una carta de explicación que detalle las calidades que brindaría a este cargo y tres referencias a Kat Henao ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) a no más tardar que el 13 de enero de 2017.

School of the Americas Watch (SOA Watch) is seeking a Development Coordinator to begin in early March of 2017. This position is 32 hours a week, and does not have a geographic location requirement. SOA Watch has two offices in the United States (Washington, DC and Tucson, AZ), Chile, and Guatemala. The Development Coordinator is a position based in the United States and would be invited to join an existing office or work remotely. The Development Coordinator position has a salary of $40,000/year.

Over the past two decades, SOA Watch has grown from a handful of people into one of the most dynamic multi-generational, cross-continental movements against militarization in the Americas. Thousands have been educated and mobilized to take a stand against U.S. foreign policy and to engage in nonviolent direct action. New layers of activists are joining the movement to close the SOA, including numerous youth and students from multinational, working-class communities.

Our work has not gotten easier. The coup in Honduras, the continuing repression against the pro-democracy resistance, the expansion of U.S. military bases in Colombia and Panama, and the militarization of the U.S./Mexico border are grim examples of what we are confronting. At the same time, there is hope as we see movements throughout the hemisphere who are standing up for self-determination. We are organizing together with our partners in the Americas to push ahead.

● Produce donor appeals and other fundraising materials
● Research and track grant opportunities including to produce letters of intents and applications, compile/update supporting materials, and provide any necessary follow-up documents
● Develop and pursue new ways to raise money for SOA Watch
● Support local SOA Watch groups with fundraising events
● Cultivate, strengthen, build, maintain and nurture relationships with donors
● Attend networking, community and partner meetings/events to cultivate new donors
● Support the Planned Giving program by maintaining and tracking relationships with interested donors
● Coordinate activities of the Development Working Group and support their efforts
● Create fundraising opportunities for annual events (such as the Spring Days of Action and Vigil)
● Update and maintain donation links on website
● Maintain donor database
● Create and update donation pages for events, emails and Council members
● Process donations and maintain records on donors
● Prepare Thank You letters to donors and automatic email receipts for online donations
● Recruit and coordinate fundraising interns and volunteers
● Provide fundraising information for decision-making by SOA Watch Council and staff
● Support Operations Coordinator with promoting, selling and distributing SOA Watch resources (books, videos, etc.)
● Support Operations Coordinator with budgeting process
● In conjunction with other staff, answer calls and messages from SOA Watch activists

Required Qualifications
1. Strong commitment to working in a diverse, grassroots movement rooted in solidarity with the people of Latin America.
2. Commitment to the mission of SOA Watch.
3. Ability to work independently in a deadline-driven environment; successfully manage multi-functional projects, priorities and timelines with minimal supervision; follow-through and attention to detail is essential.
4. Non-profit fundraising experience and/or familiarity with advocacy work from the perspective of a non-profit advocacy group, or similar organization, is preferred.
5. Strong computer skills including ability to work with Microsoft Office Suite; solid knowledge and comfort with word processing, spreadsheets, mail merge and advanced functions.
6. Experience with and aptitude for relational databases; strong database skills, including high-level data entry, tracking and analysing data and data forensics; knowledge of Salsa Labs is an advantage.
7. Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
8. Excellent abilities to build and maintain relationships.
9. Willingness to work in a consensus decision-making environment.
10. Excellent time and project management skills.
11. Positive attitude and a sense of humur; a self-motivated, detail-oriented team player.
12. English and Spanish fluency/proficiency (speak, read, write).

How to Apply
Please send a resume, a cover letter explaining what qualities you would bring to this job and three references to Kat Henao ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) by January 13, 2017.
Last Updated on Friday, 16 December 2016 21:26
Call on Congress to cut US security aid to Honduras PDF Print E-mail
Written by Hendrik Voss   
Monday, 12 December 2016 19:22
Before Congress adjourns for 2016, we have one last opportunity to build support for suspending US military and security aid to Honduras, where repression of human rights defenders and social movements continues unabated.  With the US State Department certifying that the Honduran government is taking effective steps on human rights, despite continued assassinations and impunity, it is important that Congress pushes back. To date, 49 Representatives have co-sponsored the Berta Caceres Human Rights in Honduras Act, which would suspend US military and security aid to Honduras.  Can you take a moment today to call your Representative if he or she has not yet signed on and ask him/her to sponsor HR 5474, the Berta Caceres Human Rights in Honduras Act?

See if your representative has already co-sponsored the bill here: https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/5474/cosponsors   (Need the name of your Representative?  Click here)
If not, call the Switchboard at 202-224-3121, ask to be transfered to your Representative and ask your him/her to sponsor the bill: 

"Hello, I am calling to ask Rep. _____ to sponsor HR 5474, the Berta Caceres Human Rights in Honduras Act, before the end of the year. Internationally recognized Indigenous leader Berta Caceres and other leaders have been brutally assassinated in Honduras this year.  The death threats and attacks on environmental activists, human rights leaders, journalists, and others continue today.  Please sponsor HR 5474 before this year is out to call for an end to US military aid in Honduras."

If your Representative has signed on to support the bill, call his or her office to thank them (202-224-3121):

"Hello, I am calling to thank Rep. _____ for sponsoring HR 5474, the Berta Caceres Human Rights in Honduras Act, in 2016.  The repression and death threats and attacks on environmental activists, human rights leaders, journalists, and others continue unabated in Honduras.  I hope that your office will continue to speak out for the suspension of US security aid to Honduras at every opportunity."

Let us know how your call went here.

Thank you for all your efforts to call on Congress to cut destructive US security aid to Honduras in 2016.  We look forward to continuing to work together in 2017.

Last Updated on Monday, 12 December 2016 19:29
Greetings from the gates of Fort Benning, Georgia PDF Print E-mail
Written by Hendrik Voss   
Saturday, 19 November 2016 19:05

On this sunny Saturday, we are once again standing vigil at the gates of Fort Benning, Georgia - home to the notorious School of the Americas / Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (SOA/ WHINSEC) - calling for justice and accountability.

As we are gathered here today, we are hopeful and encouraged by the fact that thousands across the country have have been mobilized following the election of an openly racist bully, and have taken to the streets in cities across the US in protest. We need to organize, take action, and build broad-based grassroots power to push back against racism and xenophobia, and against the militarization of our communities at home and abroad.

Please support SOA Watch today with a donation for our joint efforts for justice.

Later this afternoon, we will caravan together with our friends from the Interreligious Task Force on the Americas to the Stewart Detention Center, to demand an end to the incarceration of migrants. People from Latin America continue to be forced to flee from US trained repressive security forces, only to be confronted with a militarized border and racist policies.

Call to Action: The Repression Continues so the Resistance can't Stop! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Hendrik Voss   
Wednesday, 09 November 2016 15:42

Saturday, November 19, 2016: Converge in your community and at the gates of Fort Benning, Georgia

SOA Watch has organized protests against the training of repressive militaries at Fort Benning since 1983, when three activists -
Father Roy Bourgeois, Linda Ventimiglia and Father Larry Rosenbaugh - scaled a tree next to the El Salvadoran troop barracks and blasted Archbishop Oscar Romero’s last homily with a portable sound system into the night. Starting in 1990, on the one-year anniversary of the killing of 16-year-old Celina Ramos, her mother Elba Ramos, and six Jesuit priests at the University of Central America (UCA) in San Salvador, El Salvador, SOA Watch has stood vigil at the gates of Fort Benning to demand the closure of the SOA-WHINSEC and remember the victims of US militarization in the Americas.

This year, we moved our annual mobilization to the US/Mexico border, to take a stand against the militariz
ation of the border, to shine a light on the connection between US militarization abroad and the forced migration of thousands who are fleeing North, as well as racist immigration laws. The Convergence at the border took place in October to commemorate the 4th Anniversary of the killing of 16-year-old Jose Antonio Elena Rodriguez by a US Border Patrol agent in Nogales. Over 1,000 people came together, raised their voices for justice, and the convergence at the border was big success for our movement. Click here for videos and photos, check out the media coverage, and see the list of participating groups, speakers and musicians

As we approach the weekend in November where we have traditionally gathered at Ft Benning, members of SOA Watch will once again bear witness.  The gates of Fort Benning remain sacred ground for our movement, where we have shed tears, celebrated the successes of movements for justice, mourned the dead, spread the ashes of our friends, crossed the line, been arrested, booked, tried, and sentenced, and taken a stand for justice the past 26 years. A small group will gather this year at the main gates of Fort Benning on Saturday, November 19 at 12noon. We won't build the big stage that we had in past years, and there won't be workshops or concerts at the Columbus Convention Center, just a presence at the gates with a speak out and vigil, where we will hold banners and the posters with the faces of the victims of US militarization. This year we will especially call out Presente for those who have been murdered this year in Honduras and demand an end to US military funding and training in Honduras. There will also be a presence at the Stewart Detention Center at 6pm on Saturday, November 19, which going to be organized by our friends from the Interreligious Task Force (IRTF). IRTF is organizing a Caravan for Justice from November 17-20.

Help us make that demand heard loud and clear -- and you do not need to travel across the country to do so.  We are asking communities across the country to hold your own actions to speak out against US military training and funding in Honduras. Here are a few action ideas:

Son of Honduran Human Rights leader assassinated PDF Print E-mail
Written by Hendrik Voss   
Monday, 31 October 2016 15:27

In Honduras, the son of a prominent human rights leader was shot dead yesterday in what appears to be the latest assassination targeting campesino organizers fighting massive palm oil plantation companies in the valley of Aguán in northern Honduras. Fernando Alemán Banegas was shot several times as he exited a nightclub in the city of La Ceiba. He’s the oldest son of Elsy Banegas president of the Coordinating Committee of Popular Organizations of Aguán. This comes after two campesino leaders in the Aguán region were also assassinated earlier this month (see our message from last week).

Fernando Alemán Banegas ¡Presente!

Enough bloodshed. Click here to ask Congress to cut off US military and security aid to Honduras!

Last Updated on Monday, 31 October 2016 15:41
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SOA Watch
5525 Illinois Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20011

phone: 202-234-3440
email: info@soaw.org