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We’re playing some shows in the Untied States of American’t!

Posted by on August 29th, 2016 in Band News

Do you like apples? Well, not only are we playing Colorado. Not only are we playing Texas. Not only are we being joined by Teenage Bottlerocket and Elway on those dates. Not only are we playing Florida. Not only are we playing Fest. WE ARE PLAYING SULYNN'S HOMETOWN OF TAMPA! ... (more)

Rainbow Resource Center Fundraising Shirt

Posted by on July 1st, 2016 in Band News

Hi people. It’s your old pal Chrissy here. So, here in our hometown of Winnipeg, there is an important place called the Rainbow Resource Centre. It’s stated mission is to "provide support, education and resources to foster a proud, resilient and diverse LGBT2SQ community” and its' vision is “a society ... (more)

Finland! Finland! Finland! Finland! FINLAND!!!!!!

Posted by on April 18th, 2016 in Band News

bet you can't guess where we're playing in July? Finl--what? how'd you guess that?!? yes, our version of the summer festival circuit -- where we travel the world playing all the great non-corporate-sponsored musical festivals that don't suck at the energy-drunk teat of the corporate order -- consists of one festival. ... (more)

“Dear Canada…”

Posted by on April 8th, 2016 in Band News

hi. it's me. chris. the guy who barely gives a shit about anything besides heavy metal and hockey anymore. despite this, i do still think some things matter and should change prior to the impending global meltdown our "way of life" has in store for us. in the spirit of ... (more)

The Junos

Posted by on April 3rd, 2016 in Band News

is there a progressive, pro-democratic, pro-environment, anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, pro-reconcilliation political party in Canada that also promises to eviscerate funding for the "arts" in this country? because i'd fuckin vote for that party in a new york second. have a nice day.

Please Vote Trump.

Posted by on March 31st, 2016 in Band News

I'm serious. We are hoping a Trump presidency will cause Sulynn to flee the US and claim asylum in Winnipeg. In barely related news, if you'd like to enjoy a trip down memory lane to when we were a 3-piece, i've put the audio for our "Live From Occupied Territory" ... (more)

Chomsky on the Super-Rich and The Corporate Sector, Part 1 Zillion

Posted by on March 30th, 2016 in Band News

hi. a short interview here with old man Chomsky about the toilet bowl called American democracy. ok, now back to head-banging. fuck off.

The Double Axe Stack Attack Is Back Jack so don’t gimme no flak you domesticated bovid Himalayan yak

Posted by on September 30th, 2015 in Band News

BEWARE ALL POSERS. We have a new friend. Her name is Sulynn. She plays an SG and she’s ready to crack some fuckin skulls with it onstage with us. What the fuck else do you need to know?!? What else matters in this world?!? Well, let’s hear from the axe-slinger ... (more)

I Am A Goddamn Rifle!

Posted by on August 18th, 2015 in Band News

Today is the day my friends. In honour of our fallen comrade Todd Serious of the legendary The Rebel Spell (see previous blog entry), we humbly offer this version of "I Am A Rifle". Hope you feel it like we do. any proceeds after recording expenses will go ... (more)

I Am A Rifle / August 18th! Mark thine calendar!!!

Posted by on August 7th, 2015 in Band News

Hello fellow disbelievers-that-this-political-system-is-taken-seriously-by-the-citizenry, how are you today? Yeah, me too. Oh well. You probably remember that earlier this year our friend Todd Serious of Canada’s national treasure, The Rebel Spell, shuffled off this mortal coil far too soon. Well, we wanted to do something to pay our respects to his ... (more)

(UPDATED) Propagandhi Job Posting! Wanted: Guitarist/ Beaver Impersonator!

Posted by on June 8th, 2015 in Band News

[UPDATE: holy fuck people, we’ve had over 400 inquiries about this in just 3 days, from all over the damn planet. amazing and daunting. this might take a while to get through, so please be patient. it seems like a lot of people are asking what it is we’re looking ... (more)

San Francisky?!? Didya drove or didya flew??

Posted by on June 4th, 2015 in Band News

Hi planet of Lawrence Orbachs, Alex Trebel here. Having a nice day, are we? Good, good. So Fat Wreck Chords is having a 25th anniversary celebration this year and in an amazing stroke of luck, they forgot that we're not on the label anymore, and they have invited us to ... (more)


Posted by on April 15th, 2015 in Band News

I's the b'y that builds the boat! and I's the b'y that sails her! I's the b'y that criticizes the industrial slaughter of sea life and brings them home to Liza! haha. ok, so it's true though: we are coming back to Halifax and *finally* -- after a full quarter of a ... (more)

Supporting Caste on bandcamp!!!!

Posted by on April 7th, 2015 in Band News

howdy-doody there folks! I have good news and i have bad news. First, the world is a toilet and we're all pieces of shit. Now the bad news. Just kidding! Only good news today! Today, we, Propagandhi, have become sole proprietors of the digital version of the world famous long-playing ... (more)

I Heard You Singing

Posted by on March 9th, 2015 in Band News

Over the past decade, i've often choked back tears while listening to the songs of Vancouver's The Rebel Spell. It's going to be even harder to listen to those songs now... "It is our deepest regret to inform you all that on Saturday, March 7th, we lost our good ... (more)

Supporting Caste LP reissue!!!!!

Posted by on February 25th, 2015 in Band News

Yeehaw! Eat yer grandpa! Our Supporting Caste LP is back in print! For all you Urkel's out there, there are also limited coloured vinyl quantities, so git on yer l'il doggie and grab it while you can. BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! If you order now, you'll also get a limited ... (more)

Safe Spaces, Sexual Assault, Restorative Justice: Thinking Out Loud

Posted by on December 6th, 2014 in Band News

So, somewhere deep down on my never-ending laundry list of ideas to broach with fellow humans has long been the topic of creating “safe spaces” at shows. It was bumped up the list a notch or two a few months ago by a conversation I had with Shawna Potter of ... (more)

Look Over Here! Look Over Here! Look Over Here Dixie Land!

Posted by on September 30th, 2014 in Band News

Greetings fellow corn niblets in a galactic ordure. How are you this fine fall morning? What's that? You're hiding in your home, concerned about an imminent attack from variously acronym-ed terrorists? Geez, aren't we all? Well, if you're hiding somewhere in the southern United States, make sure to venture ... (more)

Propagandhi, Can You Handle This? RVIVR, Can You Handle This? War on Women, Can You Handle This? I don’t think you can handle this. (woo)

Posted by on June 16th, 2014 in Band News

hello fellow slime within a rotting cosmic log, how are you this morning? Y'know, if i were you and lived in mid-eastern Canada or the Northerly Eastern Contiguous United States, i would start shuffling my social calendar to make room for the events we have scheduled to occur in August ... (more)

What Do California, Australia and Potemkin City Limits All Have In Common?

Posted by on May 13th, 2014 in Band News

they all SUCK. haha just kidding. Hello fellow self-annihilating dingbats of the planet earth! how are you this rainy Winnipeg morning? Have you heard the Good News? Jesus is coming back! It's true! He heard about our upcoming show at The Observatory in Santa Ana and he said to ... (more)