Laura McInerneyCompte certifié


Editor of . Guardian columnist. FOI Warrior. Once a teacher, always a teacher - so tuck your shirt in, please.

Inscrit en mai 2009

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  1. Tweet épinglé

    Justine Greening's first example of Theresa May's "shared society" is grammar schools. Which makes no fricking sense.

  2. 7 years on Twitter and never once had grotesque sexist crap in my timeline. One tweet about Nicola Sturegon & the trolls are all out. Grim.

  3. "We are going to take all your resources and share them out among those who already have the most."

  4. I'm gonna learn from May. "Owen, you done the dishes?" "Look it's important dishes are clean and that we have the right washing up liquid."

  5. Just imagine if May had said "As a woman I think it's terrible that Trump sexually assaults others: but as PM, I don't give a stuff"

  6. After being asked to set aside "her role as PM" and answer it "as a woman". Which is just weird. Why would those opinions be different?

  7. Justine Greening: Grammar schools are an example of Theresa May's 'shared society'

  8. Blimey, Nicola Sturgeon is just massively impressive. She's so clever and so articulate. And May's actual opposition right now

  9. Her second example is apprenticeships. Is the "shared society" just "life, innit"?

  10. Getting kids to read The Hunger Games is "like parents hiding broccoli in macaroni cheese" says

  11. Make 2017 the year you know everything about education with a Schools Week subscription. Offer ends 13th Jan

  12. FWIW if you want a paper I've written & it's behind a naughty paywall, ask. I'll email it. Cos I'm nice like that

  13. Seems like a bargain to me. Bought myself a subscription as an early birthday present 🎂

  14. My least fave Stevie Wonder song came on and reminded me that this brilliant bit of cinema exists

  15. A trust has walked away from a "try-before-you-buy" school deal despite being given extra cash

  16. "What, exactly, are we going to do with schools no one wants?" Editorial by

  17. Identifying Trojan Horse witnesses would put off future whistleblowers, warns union >

  18. Will new schools be built for the next wave of garden towns and villages?

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