deray mckessonПідтверджений профіль


I will never betray my heart. Futurist. Activist. Organizer. Educator. Bowdoin. TFA. Baltimore. IG: iamderay snapchat: derayderay (

Дата приєднання: квітень 2009
Дата народження: 09 липня

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  1. Закріплений твіт

    flawed. & (still) worthy.

  2. I'm at the showing of showing tonight in NYC. I'm excited to see it.

  3. . closing SNL two years in a row is a pretty impressive musical feat. Excited to see what he and cook up.

  4. It is freezing in NYC.

  5. I love my blackness. And yours.

  6. New Orleans Announces $13.3 Million in Hurricane Katrina Settlements

  7. JUST IN: Pres. Obama grants 153 commutations and 78 pardons, the most individual acts of clemency granted in one day by a U.S. president.

  8. Gingrich proposes advance presidential pardons for all present and future lawbreaking by Trump family

  9. I am thankful for my friends and their love.

  10. Kanye met with Trump and now Sarah Palin's simple self is quoting Golddigger lyrics. Feels like I'm taking crazy pills. Nothing makes sense.

  11. don't disappear. ever. that why people are fucked up and it's increasingly to difficult to date now.

  12. Christy Turlinton and Linda Evangelista did something similar for Naomi Campbell in the 80's.: "If you don't use Naomi, you don't get us."

  13. another reminder that we live in the first modern apartheid state, and apartheid has only been *formally* abolished for a couple generations

  14. as evidenced by the EC, the institutions you hope will save you were racist to begin with.

  15. Today's heartbreaking fact: Bill Clinton is an Electoral College member from NY. He wanted to be one of the people who elects his wife.

  16. Situation in NC has convinced me that if an R ever wins the pop vote but loses the Electoral College, the EC will be abolished 10 min later.

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