Historical Documents

Copyright Law Revision Studies

This is a series of reports published by the Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights presenting studies prepared under the supervision of the Copyright Office of the Library of Congress with a view to considering a general revision of the copyright law (title 17, United States Code). United States Senate, Eighty-sixth Congress, first session pursuant to S. Res. 53, 1960.

Other Reports and Publications

These are articles of general interest about copyright, including information on a centennial copyright exhibit, a general guide to the Copyright Act of 1976, a PhD thesis on copyright and the Library of Congress, and notable dates in American copyright (1783 to 1969), to name a few.

Announcements (MLs)

In 1969 the U.S. Copyright Office began a “Mailing List” to interested individuals to receive copyright-related announcements and certain Office publications. Over the years this encompassed announcements of adherents to international copyright treaties, information in the Federal Register, comings and goings of important Copyright Office personnel, and other items of interest to the copyright community. The MLs were discontinued in September 2003 with the publication of ML-761 as information became readily available through Office NewsNet

Copyright Lore

Copyright Lore contains articles of historical interest about copyright.