
Christmas Day power strike threat: Loy Yang staff vote for action

Workers at Victoria's largest power station will walk off the job on Christmas Day, renewing the risk of a shutdown that could affect holiday energy supplies in the middle of a predicted heatwave.

Energy giant AGL was notified by union officials on Tuesday that electrical employees at the Loy Yang power plant near Traralgon, in Victoria's south-east, will stop work and implement bans on certain tasks for an hour on the morning of December 25, as part of a tense and long-running battle over pay and conditions.

AGL said it "does not anticipate" disruptions to electricity supply, but said industrial action put the security of supply under threat.

The company told the stock market on Tuesday afternoon that the Electrical Trades Union had notified management of the maintenance workers' planned industrial action.

The Andrews government said it had been advised there would be no impact on Christmas Day energy supply as a result of the electrical workers' action, but it was "ready to intervene and protect Victorians" in the event that there was.

It comes just days after another union at the power plant - the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union - decided to abandon a planned 24-hour strike in the wake of AGL threatening to retaliate by locking out its entire workforce at the coal-fire power plant and mine.


A lockout would trigger the intervention of the Andrews government and the Fair Work Commission due to the threat of significant damage to the state economy. The independent umpire could then move to settle the dispute without negotiation.

AGL has been stuck in a bitter battle with its unionised workers over the terms of a new workplace deal at the site for the past 15 months.

Hundreds of workers there have twice knocked back large pay rise offers of 20 per cent over four years. It is understood that the biggest sticking point in negotiations for a new deal has been management's push to slash minimum staffing levels.

Union officials involved in the negotiations have long feared that AGL has been maneuvering towards the "Qantas option" of a lockout - referring to the airline's two-day lockout in 2011 that grounded its entire fleet after long-running industrial action.

Peter Mooney, branch organiser with the Electrical Trades Union, said Loy Yang workers wanted AGL management to return to the bargaining table.

"We want AGL to come back to the table with all the parties and work to a point where we have an agreement," Mr Mooney said.

"We are keen to get an agreement with AGL for our members and all the other people on the site."

AGL has been critical of union members' repeated rejection of "generous pay rises, the preservation of generous work benefits and job security in the form of no forced redundancies".

Loy Yang general manager Steve Rieniets has previously said it was "hard to fathom" that, in tight economic times, the union had encouraged its members to knock back these offers.

Employees at the power plant earn between $70,000 and $180,000 a year.

Union officials said Loy Yang workers' wages were comparable to other employees in the sector. They also worked 12-hour shifts, weekends and public holidays, they said.

Energy market expert Bruce Mountain, of consultants CME, said industrial action that cut generation at Loy Yang A was unlikely to affect the electricity supply over Christmas when schools and businesses were closed.

The Australian Energy Market Operator would have time to ensure other plants were operating, and Victoria could import power from other states.

But he said it would be a different story if it happened abruptly at a time of peak demand during a heatwave.

"If it is unforeseen and happens during the peak I think there will be hell to pay for the company, unions and the workers. That would be extraordinary," Mr Mountain said.

The threat to supply is lower than it would otherwise be due to a major outage at Portland's Alcoa aluminium smelter, the state's biggest electricity user.

But it would become greater if there was industrial action after March 31, when the Hazelwood power plant is due to shut down.

- with Adam Morton