- published: 18 Aug 2011
- views: 5251823
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), designed and built by BAE Advanced Technologies (BAEAT).
Its purpose was to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance. The HAARP program operated a major sub-arctic facility, named the HAARP Research Station, on an Air Force-owned site near Gakona, Alaska.
The most prominent instrument at the HAARP Station is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high-power radio frequency transmitter facility operating in the high frequency (HF) band. The IRI is used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere. Other instruments, such as a VHF and a UHF radar, a fluxgate magnetometer, a digisonde (an ionospheric sounding device), and an induction magnetometer, were used to study the physical processes that occur in the excited region.
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HAVE YOU HEARD THE HUM.. Does HAARP Make A Sound?? If Not.. Then What is... The News Clip is From March 2011. All the Video Clips are from 2011!! So.. Does HAARP make a Sound? If You Enjoyed This Video Please Share And Like It!!
Come freely subscribe to my insiders site at http://www.freedom-won.net. The drought is government-made.HAARP can influence weather anywhere on earth. Here is more proof. If you are tired of the drought and the dry weather conditions, consider that the government is manipulating the weather for purposes that are not in your best interest. Freely subscribe to my insiders site at http://www.freedom-won.net. Chemtrails dissolve rain clouds. Watch them do it over your own town, and tell your friends to watch. The drought is government-made.
In Depth Documentary On HAARP and Everything Its Used For. This is an Amazing Documentary. I Posted this video to spread the knowledge to everyone who is just beginning to learn about HAARP. Knowledge is Power!! Please Spread This Knowledge!
Scariest HAARP Video's Exposed 2015!! Spread Before SHUT DOWN! Busted!! H.A.A.R.P Weaponized? Shocking Video! Share This Before Its Shut Down! 2014 Skander Gharbi of Tunisia Captures A Strange Circular formation of Clouds, what could have formed this could phenomenon. Original Link To Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBO_8Yb_BGw&feature;=youtu.be HAARP Exercise Over CA? Strange Glowing Clouds! Explained? 2015 Mountain view/Sunnyvale ca 6:30 am 1/31/15 Quote From Adam Who Submitted Video "I saw this on my commute this morning. Clear skies all around minus this cloud formation which was brown on the left side blue and white towards middle and red near ends. Really interesting looking. I've also seen ufos near this location in the past. My work is right at the exit of the video and M...
Just what is the US Government doing with the mysterious HAARP program?...and why is there so much secrecy behind it? In 1993, a powerful Republican US Senator pushed through the approval to have a quarter of a billion dollars earmarked for the construction of HAARP, a top secret and controversial military research facility in a remote corner of Alaska. HAARP stands for High-frequency Active Auroral Rsearch Program. HAARP was officially designed to study the Northern Lights and the atmosphere's effects on radio transmissions, though even supporters of the program agree that a quarter of a billion dollars seemed like a lot of money for the US Military to dedicate to such research. Some very reputable conspiracy theorists believe the closed door, no access facility is conducting much mor...
NSA WHISTLE BLOWER Assassination Agenda HAARP WEAPON! Edward Snowden EXPLAINS 2016! NEW SHOCKING INFO ON HAARP NEVER BEFORE HEARD! Thirdphaseofmoon is looking for the best UFO footage Shot by People Like you from Around The World! Upload your UFO Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! cousinsbrothersproductions@gmail.com Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone! Thirdphaseofmoon "Alien Nation" Album Link: https://itunes.apple.com/album/third-phase-moon-alien-nation/id1084105042/ Thirdphaseofmoon Soundtrack link: https://itunes.apple.com/album/third-phase-moon-soundtrack/id838365672/ Subscribe Thirdphaseofmoon http://www.youtube.com/user/thirdphaseofmoon?sub_confirmation=1/ Follow On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Thirphaseofmoon Check out all the submissions via...
O Programa de Investigação de Aurora Ativa de Alta Frequência, ou simplesmente HAARP, é um projeto do governo americano, supostamente usado para controlar e interferir no clima. Porém, há quem assegure, ter o HAARP, propósitos muitos mais sinistros que incluiriam seu uso para provocar terremotos, tempestades, tsunamis, erupções vulcânicas e como arma de controle mental. Assista ao vídeo para saber mais. LIVRO: A Casa dos Profetas Profanos CHIADO EDITORA: https://www.chiadoeditora.com/livraria/a-casa-dos-profetas-profanos LIVRARIA CULTURA: http://www.livrariacultura.com.br/p/a-casa-dos-profetas-profanos-46056031
Los Sistemas de Altas Frecuencias Ionosféricos conocidos como HAARPs, son unos enormes dispositivos con grandes antenas distribuidas en extensas superficies a las que se les atribuyen utilidades muy diversas que van desde las comunicaciones a larga distancia hasta la posibilidad de modificar el clima en regiones concretas o incluso producir huracanes. El más conocido de todos, está situado en Gakona (Alaska), pero hay muchos más distribuidos por todo el planeta, países como Rusia, Perú, China, Japón, Australia, India, Noruega, Inglaterra o Alemania entre otros, disponen de ese tipo de artefactos. Recientemente, se ha teorizado sobre un INMENSO HAARP construido en China del que hablamos al final del segundo video dedicado a esta máquina que se nos antoja militar, debido a la cantidad de vin...
Pandora's Box: "HAARP - High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program" Lot of Nations use HAARP technology now, boils the upper Atmosphere. It is an advanced model of an 'ionospheric heater'. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto Earth and penetrate everything-living and dead. Using Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) , they connect this with Geoengineering (public say: chemtrails) and this contain Aluminum and Barium to build a "mirror" to bounce the signal better back to any point on earth. Some bad possibilities with HAARP: Weather Control - Earthquakes - Mass Mind Control - Population Control - Google "Haarp + possibility" for infos This 3 positive things i found and are perhaps possible in future: 1. Time Travel ! ..my wish to travel back to the 90s, better times 2. "S...
Government Secrets In Alaska - HAARP [Video] - Disclose.tv Just what is the US Government doing with the mysterious HAARP program? and why is there so much secrecy behind it? In 1993, a powerful Republican US Senator pushed Government Secrets in Alaska - HAARP - YouTube Jan 22, 2015Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. Just what is the US Government doing with the mysterious HAARP program? and why HAARP.net - The Military's Pandora's Box by Dr. Nick Two Alaskans put it bluntly. A founder of the NO HAARP movement, Clare Zickuhr, says The military is going to give HAARP conspiracies: Guide to most far-out theories behind Walker backs renaming Western Alaska census area that honors slave ownerThe HAARP Conspiracy – Facts the Government Can Not Deny ...
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Automating Nature. Technology now exists through antenna arrays in numerous countries & based on ships that uses frequency to manipulate/superheat layers of the atmosphere- Eg HAARP/EISCAT. This has been done for longer than we know and it is an attempt to automate natural systems by computer. It is propose that like a trainer has to break a horse before taking control of its actions that we are breaking our climate by Geoengineering to overtake control of it with the side effect damage chalked up to the Climate Change Scapegoat
Somthing is going down yer ?
Does anyone remember the video back in the day with the Russian guy talking about using weather warfare against the United States? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3fsl9Utd8s Are we already at War and no one knows? Or are certain shadow agencies within our own Government using Haarp to either trigger an Eruption at Yellowstone or fighting off attempts by the Russian version of Haarp? Either way, Very Strange things are happening at the Yellowstone Supervolcano Caldera. Stay At The Ready... Links to these graphs and others are at the link provided below https://www.facebook.com/bunkerreport
Outward reaching expected hands
Searching for what the eyes cannot see
On and on and on into the snow
Weather system with no visible end
Will I be able to feel the difference when you turn me on
or off
Will I be able to feel the difference when you turn me on
or off
Will I be able to feel the difference when you turn me on
or off
Will I be able to feel the difference when you turn me on