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Fascist Graffiti Clean Up (Dublin 7)
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An AFA supporter in Mullingar sent us in this graffiti which they used to cover over fascist and neo-nazi scrawls locally. Be on the look out for these kind of things and please either report it to us or take it upon yourself if possible to remove it.

There can be no tolerance for any manifestation of fascism.

L’image contient peut-être : plein air

The Oppressed played Ireland in 2014. We had a stall at the gig.

A great anti-fascist band that never shied away from their politics or forgot where they came from.

The Oppressed s.h.a.r.p. attitude

THE OPPRESSED 1981 / 2016......................................
Sad to announce that that due to health problems I'm having to retire the band. I've had 35 fant...astic years but now the time has come to call it a day. Big CHEERS to everyone involved from members old and new, to bands we've played with, and of course to all our fans who kept us alive for all these years.
Thanks for the memories................................................
Roddy Moreno.

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Glad to hear that antifascist comrade Artem has regained consciousness after this brutal attack by Ukrainian fascists. Solidarity from Ireland for a speedy recovery. Antifascists like Artem are on the front line of our struggle.

L’image contient peut-être : 1 personne, chaussures et plein air
Red London

We've just heard from comrades in Moscow Antifa that Artem (pictured here) - a young Ukrainian Antifascist from Kharkiv has been attacked by 10 Nazis whilst in ...Odessa. He is currently in a critical condition, he has several stab wounds to his heart and lungs 4 of which are very serious. With the current political situation being an antifascist in Ukraine is incredibly dangerous. Our thoughts are with Artem, his family and comrades.

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AK Press have made the ebook of Militant Anti-Fascism: A Hundred Years of Resistance by
M. Testa free for a limited time.

<p>Fascism is not a thing of the past. In this era of crisis and austerity, it is growing even stronger. The question is: How do we stop it?</p> <p>According to M. Testa, the fight against it must be aggressive and unrelenting. Using a mixture of orthodox history, eyewitness accounts, and unflinchin...

Back under your rock Barrett!

The National Party says it stands against immigration, “dictatorial” EU and is anti-abortion

UPDATE: Cancelled. The fascists have been scared back under their rock for now.

No quarter for fascists in Ireland!

jeu 14:30 UTCDublin, Irlande
103 personnes intéressées · 41 participants

Nazis scumbag loses his security deposit 😂

Very important rally before our event tomorrow. Please attend.

sam 13:30 UTCDublin, Irlande
901 personnes intéressées · 644 participants
AFA Ireland a partagé sa photo.
L’image contient peut-être : 2 personnes
sam 14:00 UTCDublin, Irlande
185 personnes intéressées · 84 participants

The Far Right in Europe today are rejoicing. They think this is a new dawn for fascism and bigotry.

It has never in our lifetime been more important to be an anti-fascist. It is your duty.

Never Forgive, Never Forget.


No Pasaran

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Around the world, nationalists and far-right leaders react with glee as Republican candidate wins US election
theguardian.com|Par Matthew Weaver
Aucun texte alternatif disponible.
Ultras Against Racism

Talk with nazis in only language they understand..
True Rebel Store

AFA Ireland a changé sa photo de couverture.
L’image contient peut-être : 1 personne, texte
AFA Ireland a ajouté une photo.
L’image contient peut-être : 2 personnes

Refugees welcome here!

Also do the Journal poll on http://www.thejournal.ie/poll-calais-migrants-3056477-Nov2…/

Ireland has the capacity and resources to offer hundreds of unaccompanied children refuge. We have one of the strongest care systems in Europe to deal with unaccompanied minors and therefore, the potential to offer these children homes, a sense of community, support and a future (3).
1991 - 2016.

Fighting the far-right in Ireland for 25 years.
Publications des visiteurs
  • Please consider signing this letter to USA President-Elect Donald Tr...ump. We too are fighting against the far right. Well over 2 million people around the world who are against fear,hate mongering and bigotry have signed. The goal is 3 million and we are getting close. We want Trump to know the world does not support his worldview. Dear Mr. Trump, This is not what greatness looks like. The world rejects your fear, hate-mongering, and bigotry. We reject your support for torture, your calls for murdering civilians, and your general encouragement of violence. We reject your denigration of women, Muslims, Mexicans, and millions of others who don’t look like you, talk like you, or pray to the same god as you. Facing your fear we choose compassion. Hearing your despair we choose hope. Seeing your ignorance we choose understanding. As citizens of the world, we stand united against your brand of division. Afficher la suite
  • Please consider signing this letter to USA President-Elect Donald Tr...ump. We too are fighting against the far right. Well over 2 million people around the world who are against fear,hate mongering and bigotry have signed. The goal is 3 million and we are getting close. We want Trump to know the world does not support his worldview. Dear Mr. Trump, This is not what greatness looks like. The world rejects your fear, hate-mongering, and bigotry. We reject your support for torture, your calls for murdering civilians, and your general encouragement of violence. We reject your denigration of women, Muslims, Mexicans, and millions of others who don’t look like you, talk like you, or pray to the same god as you. Facing your fear we choose compassion. Hearing your despair we choose hope. Seeing your ignorance we choose understanding. As citizens of the world, we stand united against your brand of division. Afficher la suite
  • Paul O Fraochain
    16 novembre, 09:31
    https://m.facebook.com/Corks96fm/ Friends, Corks popular radio stati...on 96 have shamefully thrown a lifeline to fascist Justin Barretts tiny National Party by inviting them on air tmro. Please register your objections on their facebook page. Time we all took a stand against organised hate & those in the media who amplify it for their own nefArious purposes. (OP David Lordan) Afficher la suite
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