Solving Our Job Agency Crisis

Start: Sunday, November 27, 2016 2:00 PM

End: Sunday, November 27, 2016 6:00 PM

Come and help us Solve our Job Agency Crisis!

- workshop dealing with your rights at job agencies
- Launch of new AUWU your rights booklet and yearly report from AUWU advocacy hotline (free on entry)
- Speeches from guests
- panel Q&A; and public forum

Australia's $3 billion a year employment services industry is out of control

The stories of job agencies unfairly fining, penalising, bullying and abusing unemployed workers have sharply escalated under the current jobactive and Disability Employment Service systems.

The Australian Unemployed Workers' Union is organising an event to both educate unemployed workers unions about their rights and give unemployed workers an opportunity to participate in an public forum about how we can fix the broken system.

Confirmed speakers include:

David Thompson (CEO Jobs Australia)
Sue Bolton (Socialist Alliance, Moreland City Councillor)
Duncan Storrar (Freedom From Poverty)
Pas Forgione (Coordinator, Anti Poverty Network SA)
Owen Bennett (President, Australian Unemployed Workers' Union)
Godfrey Moase (Assistance Secretary, National Union of Workers)


Unwaged: Free
Waged: $5
Solidarity: $20

More details to follow

Click here to download and print the poster.