Saturday, December 17, 2016

This is an education tool book for children in Saudi Arabia

The title says: "How to teach your donkey son, without repetition".  Its author has a doctorate and the book is listed as part of the series on "personality development". Kid you not.

Hani Hindi died

This is one of the very small circle of Arabs who founded the Movement of Arab Nationalists.  He lived quietly and silently and died quietly and silently.  In recent years, he focused all his energies on collecting and publishing the body of political literature of the Movement of Arab Nationalists.  (They are published in many volumes).  I used to hear about Hini from Hanna Batatu.  He told me that he is indebted for his book on Iraq to Hani Hindi. He told me that Hindi was the one who opened the doors of Iraq for him and he intervened to have the government there open the police archive for Batatu.  When I arrived to Washington, DC, I met through Basim Qattan the nephew of Hani Al-Hindi, Firas who was a student at GWU (where is Firas now, I wonder?).  Firas wanted to meet Batatu so I accompanied Firsas to meet him at Georgetown, and Batatu opened up his yellow pad and started to grill Firas with questions about Syria and the ruling clique (he was still working on Syria at the time).  After we left, I remember Firas telling me: I did not know that he was going to grill me.  I said: Batatu would grill a passerby.  It is a shame that Hindi never wrote his memoirs. 

Muhammad's Birthday

Muhammad's Birthday was my favorite religious day as a child. Because it was festive and joyous and we celebrated it with fireworks (I am talking Lebanese fireworks and not the wimpy US-syle fireworks. Lebanese fireworks in my days would regularly lead to losing one's hands).  Wahhabis forbids joyous occasions like the Prophet's Birthday.  And this occasion is now part of the Sunni-Shi`ite feud.  To respond to Saudi Wahhabis, Muqtada As-Sadr celebrated the occasion with a birthday cake.

Anarchists in Lebanon (Hamra Street)

Saudi princes are leading a campaign to report to the secret police on those who write on social media opinions in disagreement with the government

Egyptian-Qatari feud

A report on the growing Egyptian-Qatari feud.

How to profile Middle Easterners and Muslims: Personally I order Asian vegetarian meals

"Marina Ripa-Braescu, the facilitation and security manager for Swiss International Air Lines, told a conference on border security in Hungary last week that information about pre-ordered meals could be used to help governments find out more about those travelling to the country before they arrive."

Tarif Khalidi's intellectual autobiography: a magnificent read for lovers of books and historians

A beautiful intellectual autobiography by the wonderful (and comrade), Tarif Khalidi.

PS Other parts will follow.

Obama's alliance with Al-Qa`idah

This has to be said about Obama: He is responsible for striking an alliance with Al-Qa`idah, in Syria and beyond. Just as the Bush and Obama administrations made peace with the Taliban. IF only people know--especially the families and survivors of Sep. 11.  

Those who support the Syrian regime--even slightly--under pseudonyms

Do you notice that the Syrians who live in the US and who dare to oppose the Syrian rebels (and some are pro-regime and some are not pro-regime) don't dare write using their own names? They all write under pseudonyms.  Such is the freedom of debate about Syria in the US.

Writing cliches about Aleppo

""It is paramount to remember that the Syrian uprising began as a peaceful movement, with hundreds of thousands of citizens taking to the streets seeking only social justice, political reform, and freedom and democratic representation — much like their counterparts in Tunisia.""  That passage you cite is so original. I only read it in US newspapers every single day. Day in and day out. But originality in US media is the ability to say the same thing like everyone else using the same exact cliches and expressions.  But I like how she provides legitimacy for her article by saying: "just returned from the Syrian-Lebanese border, a mere 150 miles from Aleppo,"  I conclude this post by lending credibility to my post thus: I just returned from a coffee shop here in Modesto, a mere 10,000 miles from Aleppo.  

PS Notice how US media propaganda function: name one idea, one sentence, one phrase in this article which has not been previously said ad nauseam tons of time, in exactly the same words.  But this is what Goebbels said in his diaries: propaganda is repetition, constant repetition.  

Friday, December 16, 2016

Impossible writing on Syria in the age of pure war media

My weekly article in Al-Akhbar: "The Impossible Writing on Syria in the Age of Pure War Media".

To be fair to Kenneth Roth

Kenneth Roth may do better in debates if pitted against a toddler who is not yet able to speak.  So it can't be said that he is universally bad in debates.  

The prime minister of Bahrain

The prime minister of Bahrain has held that job longest than any prime minister in this galaxy.  

Flash: exclusive story from my city of Modesto, California

17 US intelligence agencies have agreed that Russian government intervened in the election of city council here.  More on this developing story.  

More reasons to worry about the people of Syria

The people of Aleppo are not alone. We will do everything in our power to save innocent lives.

To both sides in the Syrian war

Can you at least respect the dead and the living and refrain from posting pictures of dead children?  Both sides are doing it and it is reprehensible. Do you not have any respect toward their families?  Anything goes in the propaganda competition? 

How Bad is Kenneth Roth in Debates?

Kenneth Roth is the worst debater ever.  He is such a bad debater that even the spokesperson of Mahmoud Abbas would have defeated him.

Kenneth Roth explains how Human Rights Watch documents human rights violations in Syria

This is from Mainstream Media Now by Michael: "I know you posted the debate. I'd highlight this:

KENNETH ROTH: "Let me begin with this fog of war argument, because, you know, when there’s nothing to say, when there’s nothing to defend, let’s resort to the fog of war. I mean, I’ve heard this argument many, many times. This is not fog of war. We know exactly what is going onHuman Rights Watch has teams on the ground, based in Beirut, occasionally going into Syria, in regular communication with people in Aleppo, in other places. We don’t publish until we know exactly what is going on, until we corroborate and we’re certain. So this is not a matter of just, you know, taking some jihadist propagandist and repeating it. "

So he knows exactly what is going on from Beirut?  have you seen him express similar certainty on Palestine from teams based in Egypt or Jordan?" 

Lazy Western reporting on the Arab world

For example, lazy Western reporting on the Arab world (taken verbatim from Qatari regime and Saudi regime Arab media) by Western reporters who can't read or understand Arabic presented a purely sectarian view of Arab public opinion: that all Sunnis support Syrian rebels and that all Shi`ites support Syrian regime. Of course, the situation is far more complex.  Look at the Arab world today.  Not one capital witnessed a demonstration in support of East Aleppo and their rebels anywhere (other than the 50-member protest by Islamists in Amman and the few children that Islamists in Gaza paraded before the cameras).  Of course, it does not mean that Arab public opinion is supportive of the Syrian regime.  Most likely, Arab public opinion is sick and tired of all sides in Syria.  But the fact that there is a huge gap between the (permitted) Arab reactions on social media in support of the rebels and the absence of street reactions tell you that part of the social media noise is government-generated.  That does not mean that there are no real voices in support of rebels or in support of the regime in social media but Gulf regimes now own the bulk of social media just as they own Arab media.  Look at (Sunni) Jordan: there are divisions among the public there over Syria (read here), and this explains why the royal buffoon in Amman sounds one thing in English and another in Arabic (just like his lying deceiving father).  If there is accountability for Western media, someone would fire the entire body of Western correspondents in Beirut. What a lousy job they have done.

The 7-year old suicide bomber in Damascus

Those who armed her and sent her are ALSO part of your beloved Syrian rebels.

No stories about Fu`a and Kafrayya to share

There is no little toddler in Fu`a and Kafrayyah to share with the word stories of suffering inside those easily dismissed "Shi`ite towns".  There are no stories of suffering and names and faces of the civilians there.  Residents--millions really--in areas under regime control are simply dismissed as "regime strongholds". That is all you need to know about those civilians.  

Will there be accountability for those Zionists who peddled those stories about Aleppo that were in no way verified?

I know it is the Daily Beast but still: ""This morning 20 women committed suicide in order not to be raped.""  Do you know that "top" ISIS and Syria Zionist-appointed experts peddled this story?  Situation is bad as it is but those insist on fabrications or at least unsubstantiated stories.  And the harm of this style of propaganda is that when real crimes are committed by Syrian soldiers supporters of the Syrian regime will dismiss them as typical of Daily Beast style of propaganda.  

Leftists and Jihadis

What is funny is that I heard for many years that leftists in the West are accused of being in bed with Islamist Jihadis.  That can't stick anymore.  Leftists are the ones who are now insisting on expressing enmity toward Islamist Jihadis, while Western governments and media have made peace with...Al-Qa`idah.  Al-Qa`idah for potato's sake.

PS I should have added the disclaimer that some Trotskyists are enamored with some Jihadis.

Economist's coverage of Syria

It should be prefaced with this disclaimer: brought to you by Nusrah Front.

It is rare to stumble on pearls of wisdom on Syria, but this one

"Andrew Tabler of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy reckons that “big changes are coming.”" I honestly don't remember reading a more insightful and original comment on Syria.  But this is not unusual among the experts of WINEP: they are known for vomiting such wise commentaries.  

I wish the Economist magazine would provide us with more specific information and substantiation

"pro-regime troops have begun to slaughter civilians inside their homes, according to reports received by the UN and sources inside the city."  So pro-regime troops spare the fighters of Nusrah and other rebels and just go to homes and slaughter women and children? Please tell us more about this.

Finally, Western government found an ally in the war on fanaticism

"King Salman: We will face all who call for fanaticism". (thanks David)

The liberal hue and cry over the appointment of David Friedman as Trump's ambassador to Israel

I don't understand the commotion.  David Friedman is a fanatic Zionist and someone who has expressed racist views to Muslims and Arabs.  That is clear. But I don't in any way think that Dennis Ross or Aaron David Miller or David Shapiro are any better or less fanatical in their Zionism.  In fact, over the decades, Dennis Ross and Aaron David Miller and Martin Indyk did so much damage in foreign policy that David Friedman would be hard press to match.  Get a hold of yourselves and stop pretending that US foreign policy was "even-handed" and "sensible" until David Friedman came along.

Liz Sly of the Washington Post shows her journalistic skills once again.

Liz Sly (@LizSly)
US airstrikes have destroyed 14 tanks, artillery systems, anti-aircraft etc captured by ISIS in Palmyra from the Syrian regime.
Of course, the question to Ms. Sly is this: how on earth did you know that? Did you count the tanks? Did you count how many civilians US has killed as well? Or do US bombs--unlike Russian bombs--never kill civilians?  Can you imagine a Western correspondent posting on twitter: Russian airstrikes have destroyed 14 tanks, artillery systems, etc?  They would never do that. Those are not journalists. Those are advocates and correspondents whose only disagreements with US government is that they think the US is not using enough violence in the Middle East.

Sinister Russian government

Russian government is one of the worst governments there is--and--like the US--aligned with Israel and allows Israel to screen its arms sales to countries.  But are you in any way trying to claim that Russia causes as much death and destruction WORLDWIDE as the US? You can't be serious, as John McEnroe used to say.

And now the story moves to Idlib

There was a demonstration in Idlib today where protesters raised ISIS flag.  I know.  All along, Western media were saying that there are only "moderate" rebels in Idlib.  No, let me guess this one: Western media will now say that the rise of ISIS in Idlib is because the West deprived them from arms, and that had the West provided them with arms, they would all be hailing--yet again--Voltaire.

So how many civilians were in East Aleppo?

Do you notice how the numbers have changed substantially in recent days, weeks?  At what point will Western media apologize to their readers for inaccurate reporting and for propaganda advocacy--in their articles and in their tweets? At what point will someone in the Western press say courageously that all professional standards of journalism were abandoned wholesale in Western media coverage of Syria--from Mainstream Media Now to New York Times.

Saudi regime arrested a man for writing "congratulations Aleppo"

A Syrian who resides in Saudi Arabia was arrested by the Saudi government for posting a a picture on Facebook showing him with the V sign and the words: "Congratulations, Aleppo".  Salafite in Saudi Arabia immediately reported him and called him a Alawite Shabbih (and other unprintable insults).

Finally, Anne Barnard of the New York Times reveals her sources to readers on Twitter

Anne Barnard (@ABarnardNYT)
Latest I heard there is one working node and people clustering around it to use internet

If only you can read some what Arab supporters of Syrian rebels write in Arabic

This is Aljazeera correspondent (known for his love and admiration of Bin Laden).  The post says: "Aleppo crisis revealed America as it really is for those who have been deceived by it, or who expect its protection for them.  Crusaders can't protect Muslims, o those who deluded themselves.)

The number of injured evacuees from Fu`a and Kafrayya

There is somewhere between 600 and over a 1000 of civilians in Fu'a and Kafrayyah who have been in need of medical assistance from the siege and the indiscriminate bombardment by Syrian rebels. Have you read anything in Western media about their plight? Anything?  

Two realities about Syria on social media--especially in Arabic

There are two realities about Syria on social media, especially if you follow the story in Arabic.  Western correspondents, pundits, diplomats, and human rights organizations report exactly what Syrian rebels and their supporters tell them.  Word-for-word.  There are never any questions asked.  But on the other side, there are people who have been reporting accounts of evacuees from East Aleppo who report crimes by Syrian rebels.  I have not seen one Western reporter, pundit, or diplomat report on that.  That is not consistent with the propaganda line imposed.  Have you seen one Western reporter reporting on many accounts in which residents of East Aleppo reported confiscation of food and aid by those rebels? People forget that residents of East Aleppo had in fact protested against your beloved rebels for the crimes and street battles and confiscation of food shipments.  

Notice that any fact or development which doesn't serve Syrian rebel propaganda is mentioned always in passing

"Jan Egeland, special adviser to the UN Special Envoy for Syria, pointed the finger Thursday at all parties for hindering action by the international community."They have not been able to give us the access that we needed and therefore we have not been witnesses to atrocities that we know have been committed by all sides in this horrific war, including in east Aleppo.""

Exploitation of children by Syrian rebels reached a new disgusting level today

It seems, from what I am reading in Arab media now, that the Syrian rebels dispatched a 7-year old girl to a public square in Damascus to denote herself.   I don't know if the story has been universally verified as it remains a breaking story.

Will the New York Times print a correction to the false story from 2011?

On Ibrahim Kashoush: "Although no one in Hama seems to agree on who wrote the song, there is near consensus on one point: A young cement layer who sang it in protests was dragged from the Orontes River this month with his throat cut and, according to residents, his vocal cords ripped out. Since his death, boys as young as 6 have offered their rendition in his place. Rippling through the virtual communities that the Internet and revolt have inspired, the song has spread to other cities in Syria, where protesters chant it as their own." This story has been exposed as false for many years in anti-Gulf regimes press, which means that it never would be covered by Western media which strictly adhere to the propaganda parameters of Syrian rebels and their supporters in the region.  Only when an Western source printed this story about it recently, did some in the West realize that.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Western government and media romanticization of Syrian rebels

A friend asked me: how could Western governments and media romanticize Syrian rebels given their extreme Islamist Jihadi ideology (and practices).  I said: remember they had romanticized Ben Laden and his comrades back in the 1980s.

There are two different set of images in the Syrian war: but Western media only show one set

In reality, there are two contrasting set of images of the Syrian war: but Western media only show one set of images.  If you look at Arab social media by different sides of the war, you see the two sets: supporters of the Syrian rebels show images of rebels helping civilians, while supporters of the Syrian regime show Syrian soldiers helping civilians.  Of course, none will show his side harming civilians.  

Corrupt rightist opportunists can drink Mate and incorruptible revolutionary leftists can drink Mate

Guess which one the US killed and which one the US supported?  Keep Jumblat and bring back Che, please.

(Lousy pro-Saudi regime, of course)) Ambassador Ford tells a Saudi paper that his words led to the arming of the Syrian opposition

Ambassador Ford tells his favorite Saudi regime paper, Al-Hayat (the mouthpiece of Khalid bin Sultan) that his words to the Syrian protesters may have resulted in the arming of the Syrian uprising. He says:  "Some people told me that the Syrian opposition understood my visit to Samah as we are going to support it no matter what.  This was not the purpose of the visit and I never said so".  If Syria ever achieves peace, I don't think someone like him will ever be allowed into the country.