Anarchy In Portland: Events For January

  • Posted on: 30 December 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)
Portland Anarchy

Portland has seen an explosion of anarchist and anarchist related events as of recent. In a city where the anarchist scene has been fractured and split after a wave of harsh repression almost 5 years ago, a resurgence in the wake of trump's election was unexpected. The media since the "Thursday Riot," as people have called it, has hounded anarchist. Continuing the narrative put into place by local police departments everywhere, anarchist have been branded as mere criminals and fanatics, entrenching themselves within the good and decent peaceful protesters.

Our Work Has Begun: the future is coming

  • Posted on: 30 December 2016
  • By: thecollective

We’ve had almost two months for it to sink in: Donald Trump is the president-elect of the most powerful military power on Earth. As anarchists, we know the cliche that whomever we vote for, the government always wins. But still, for most of us, this election has felt different. Wren Awry has collected this short anthology of anarchist responses to the election that we hope will help us consider what to do in the near future. Some of it is strategic musing, some of it is emotional. Some of it has been published by us or elsewhere already, some of it appears herein for the first time.

Brussels: Imagine for a moment… Reflections on two recent strikes

  • Posted on: 29 December 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

from L’Imprévu, #1, Dec 2016 [1]

Imagine for a moment… You’ve been wearing yourself out over years of work in a steel mill, eight hours a day doing something that doesn’t interest you, just sweating in the noise and heat, between the grey walls of the factory, until you’re physically and mentally depleted. And all that for… Really, why? To fill the pockets of shareholders, the same people who would throw you back out on the street at a moment’s notice if things stopped being sufficiently “profitable”. Bad enough in itself, of course, if not a downright tragic, humiliating, revolting scandal.

The Vision of Revolutionary Anarchism

  • Posted on: 29 December 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Anarkismo by Wayne Price

Under the title, "The Two Main Trends in Anarchism," a selection of my writings has been published in Greek. ΟΙ ΔΥΟ ΚΥΡΙΕΣ ΤΑΣΕΙΣ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΑΡΧΙΣΜΟΥ. The writings are taken from Anarkismo, except for the following, which was written originally for the new book. It focuses on the centrality of a vision of freedom, cooperation, and happiness in the program of anarchist-socialism.

Forgotten anarchist Simón Radowitzky’s life retold in graphic novel

  • Posted on: 28 December 2016
  • By: thecollective

From The Guardian

Sixty years after his death, the peripatetic and violent life of one of the most remarkable minor characters in 20th-century history is being retold on the black, white and red pages of a graphic novel.

The anarchist Simón Radowitzky may be half-forgotten today, but his struggles in tsarist Russia, banishment to the “Argentinian Siberia” and participation in the Spanish civil war made him a legendary figure in his own time.

IGDCAST: Scott Campbell on the Narco State, Eco-Extremism, and Popular Resistance from Below in Mexico

  • Posted on: 28 December 2016
  • By: thecollective

From It's Going Down

We recently caught up with Scott Campbell, a reoccurring translator and writer for It’s Going Down, as well as the author of the column Insumision, which details and analyzes unfolding social movements, struggles, as well as the overall political landscape in so-called Mexico. Beyond just talking about Scott’s contributions to IGD, we more over talk about his plans to launch a trip into Mexico for the purpose of interviewing collectives, groups, organizations, and individuals about what is going down in their regions and what they think of the current social and political landscape. The trip will serve to build bridges with anti-authoritarian, indigenous, anti-capitalist, and anarchist movements, groups, projects, and struggles, and also expand our understanding as to what is happening in Mexico and why.

Against the Assad Regime’s Conquest of Eastern Aleppo

  • Posted on: 28 December 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Black Rose Anarchist Federation

We members of the Black Rose/Rosa Negra Rojava-Syria Solidarity Committee (BRRN-RSSC) in the strongest terms condemn the Bashar al-Assad regime and its Russian and Iranian allies for their recent conquest of Eastern Aleppo.

Back in the Slammer: A letter from Damien from the Fleury-Mérogis jail

  • Posted on: 28 December 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Damien was arrested on Wednesday, December 7 in Bretagne, charged with attacks against the Chambre of Commerce, a Jaguar dealership, and other targets during a demo that took place on April 14 between Paris’ 10th and 19th districts. This is his first letter out since being denied bail.

I’m writing from Fleury, where I’m being held in preventative detention[1]. Since the charges against me are, as usual, totally boring and unimaginative, I wanted to offer a different telling of the lovely spring night of revolt, written by some true lovers of disorder, so that my comrades have an accurate and realistic depiction of what I’m alleged to have done: “Reportback on April 14: hold in the rage too long and it bursts out like it should”[2]
