- published: 09 Aug 2016
- views: 18954
Pope Benedict XVI (Latin: Benedictus XVI; Italian: Benedetto XVI; German: Benedikt XVI; born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger; German pronunciation: [ˈjoːzɛf ˈalɔʏzjʊs ˈʁatsɪŋɐ]; on 16 April 1927) served as Pope of the Catholic Church from 2005 until his resignation in 2013. Benedict was elected on 19 April 2005 in a papal conclave following the death of Pope John Paul II and was inaugurated on 24 April 2005.
Ordained as a priest in 1951 in his native Bavaria, Ratzinger established himself as a highly regarded university theologian by the late 1950s and was appointed a full professor in 1958. After a long career as an academic and professor of theology at several German universities, he was appointed Archbishop of Munich and Freising and Cardinal by Pope Paul VI in 1977, an unusual promotion for someone with little pastoral experience. In 1981, he settled in Rome when he became Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, one of the most important dicasteries of the Roman Curia. From 2002 until his election as Pope, he was also Dean of the College of Cardinals, and as such, the primus inter pares among the Cardinals. Prior to becoming Pope, he was "a major figure on the Vatican stage for a quarter of a century"; he had an influence "second to none when it came to setting church priorities and directions" as one of John Paul II's closest confidants.
Versailles felemelkedése és bukása – XVI. Lajos
XVI - BELIEVE (full album)
LE XVI - WE$H (Clip officiel) [OKLM Mixtape #1]
Assassin's Creed Unity - Execution of Louis XVI
Top (9+1) Blind Audition (The Voice around the world XVI)
Here's a little something. It has been a long long long time since i've made an edit. I hope that you will like it. Join the page here : https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Gi... Instagram @jolieoligny Twitter @jolieoligny DISCLAIMER: THERE IS NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. THIS VIDEO IS MEANT FOR ENTERTAINMENT AND EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, THE CLIPS AND MUSIC BELONG TO THEIR OWNERS, I JUST MADE THE EDIT FOR FUN AND TO SHOW MY APPRECIATION OF THE SPORT OF SURFING. SURFERS: Bethany Hamilton Alana Blanchard Coco Ho Courtney Conlogue Malia Manuel Carissa Moore Bianca Buitendag Tyler Wright Laura Enever Quincy Davis Sally Fitzgibbons Stephanie Gilmore Monyca Eleogram (Byrne Wickey) Lakey Peterson Sage Erickson Nikki Van Dijk Johanne Defay Tatiana Weston Webb Song title: Lovesick F...
Fényűző dokumentumdrámánk bemutatja a Bourbon-dinasztia végnapjait a szerencsétlen sorsú XVI. Lajos és felesége, Marie Antoinette idején. Nagy szexuális étvágyú elődeitől eltérően Lajosnak hét évig tartott, amíg elhálta házasságát. És Franciaország uralkodójaként nyújtott teljesítménye nem sokkal múlja felül a királyi hálószobában mutatott eredményeit. A franciák éheztek, de a főnemességet túlságosan lefoglalták az ünnepségek Versailles aranyozott palotájában, hogy ezt észrevegye. Lajos megpróbált változtatni, de minden egyes reformkísérletét megakadályozták kapzsi rokonai. Marie Antoinette-et érte a szemrehányások legnagyobb része a túlzott költekezés miatt, jóllehet sosem mondta ki e híres szavakat: „Egyenek inkább kalácsot.”
" DOPE " Primo estratto dell'album "Believe" (2016) del gruppo XVI. Facebook.com/banche16 video realizzato da studio Artax https://www.facebook.com/studioartax.rovigo riprese drone by Creative Way di Francesco Rizzato prodotto da Jack Burton & Manto testo: JPK - le paure che proviamo per grazia dell'ipocondria il cuore tiene più di quello che pensiamo catturiamo il Sole e lo fondiamo lo carichiamo nel microfono e spariamo raffica rapida d'anima e ricordi bellissimi sepolti nell'arida landa di tempi tristissimi la speranza è ancora il mio punto migliore perchè dentro il cuore ho 180 sogni in tre metri di orrore che danno come soluzione " se non lo vedete non temete..andate a votare e crepate" non pretendo che capiate io lotto per un tempo dove l'oro e l'argento sono solo cazzate non vogli...
facebook.com/banche16 -**° BELIEVE TRACKLIST °**- - INTRO (Dj Bicchio & Dj Nero) - DOPE 3:15 - 30 Hz 7:50 - EL CONDOR Feat Maelle 12:25 - RELIGION 16:59 - SEX & GUNS 21:43 - BELIEVE AGAIN Feat Maelle 24:13 - TRANQUILITY RAIN 28:33 - KIMA MALA MUL 33:23 - LA SOLITUDINE DEL LUPO 36:54 prodotto da Jack Burton e Manto
Extrait de la OKLM Mixtape #1 qui sortira le 20 novembre 2015 LE XVI - WE$H (Clip officiel) Extrait de la OKLM Mixtape #1 qui sortira le 20 novembre 2015 Lyrics / Paroles Le XVI Gege est là Wissem est là Niamsek est là Segela Y'a Beno, Y'a Blacka Falou, Idem et Hamala (Ça c'est la sûreté ) Ahmadou est là, Jessie et Dolu ça bougera pas Y'a Radmou, Y'a Guy, y'en à plein d'autre et ceux qui sont plus là ( Allah Y rahmou ) J'regarde sur la gauche j'vois ma vie défilé dans le rétro Ça m'rappel l'époque pas de dodo, charbon métronome On me parle de Insta, de follow Retardé d'la technologie N'écoutes pas les grands As-tu confiance en ta logique Prend que le bon les paroles sont pas concrètes Le Week end tous le monde fait pas la fête Elle a ses gleu-rè ce soir tu vas pas la Ke...
The execution of King Louis XVI in Assassin's Creed Unity. Assassins Creed Unity Assassins Creed Unity King Louis XVI Assassins Creed Unity Louis XVI Assassins Creed Unity Execution of Louis XVI Assassins Creed Unity Louis XVI Execution Assassins Creed Unity King Louis Execution Assassins Creed Unity Execution Scene
INDEX OF MUSIC 0:00 Sietske Oosterhuis - Rather Be (Holland 2014) 1:53 Deolinda Kinzimba - I Have Nothing (Portugal 2016) 4:08 Deena Love - Calling You (Brazil 2014) 5:58 Juan Carlos Cano - Here I Go Again (Poland 2014) 7:43 Juliet Simms - Oh! Darling (US 2012) 9:28 Charles Kablan - Hello (Italy 2016) 11:18 Robin Portmann - Wie soll ein Mensch das ertragen (Switzerland 2014) 13:10 Jessica Hammond - Price Tag (UK 2012) 14:56 Hasmik Shyroyan - Dziwny jest ten swiat (Ukraine 2014) 17:22 Christina Grimmie & Mike Tompkins - Girl on Fire (in memoriam)
Beat de Sceno @foyones @scenomcclane @gharuda Suscríbete al canal de Gharuda y no te pierdas ningún vídeo de Foyone: http://bit.ly/1U8qsUf Ver #RapSinCorte de Foyone: http://bit.ly/1f1lR6d INSTAGRAM: @foyone @gharudito @el_cortex FB: https://www.facebook.com/ENOYOF Twitter: https://twitter.com/FoyoneS Web: http://foyone.com/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/gharuda Twitter: https://twitter.com/Gharuda
la solitudine del lupo. estratto da Believe (2016) facebook.com/banche16 Benni Quando avrai capito forse sara' troppo tardi, noi faremo a gara ad aumentare la distanza mentre ci separa, fuori dalla stratosfera, tra la Via Lattea e la magia di un'altra aurora, che ci inghiotte mentre si colora E' tutto falso, come l'azzurro in cielo prima del tramonto e' falso il giorno sono falso io se torno la verita' sta nel silenzio se ti ascolta per parlarmi dentro un'altra volta, questo e' cio' che non sopporta l'umanita' non se ne' accorta e fuori ostenta calma, mentre mente a se stessa e mi disarma il karma prende forma in un paesaggio desolato, spietato, sulla peggio specie che il mondo abbia mai ospitato scattando foto al mio passato torno mutilato, sui nostri visi partoriti in lacrime e sorrisi...
An encore of Raymond Arroyo's 2003 landmark interview with the man who would become Pope Benedict XVI - Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. The World Over exclusive is the only extended English language interview ever given by the future pope.
www.romereports.com The highly-anticipated book based on a rare interview with the Pope is about to make it to a bookstore near you. "Light of the World" was written by German journalist Peter Seewald, who conducted the interview in six one-hour sessions last summer. . --------------------- Suscríbete al canal: http://smarturl.it/RomeReports Visita nuestra web: http://www.romereports.com/ ROME REPORTS, www.romereports.com, is an independent international TV News Agency based in Rome covering the activity of the Pope, the life of the Vatican and current social, cultural and religious debates. Reporting on the Catholic Church requires proximity to the source, in-depth knowledge of the Institution, and a high standard of creativity and technical excellence. As few broadcasters have a per...
Click here to receive the latest news: http://smarturl.it/RomeReports Visit our website to learn more: http://www.romereports.com/ As he has for other special occasions, Pope Francis invited Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to be present during the opening of the Holy Door. Pope Francis crossed under it first. He was then followed by his predecessor to much applause. It was one of the most emotional moments of the ceremony. --------------------- For broadcasting: sales@romereports.com ROME REPORTS, www.romereports.com, is an independent international TV News Agency based in Rome covering the activity of the Pope, the life of the Vatican and current social, cultural and religious debates. Reporting on the Catholic Church requires proximity to the source, in-depth knowledge of the Institution,...
Gretchen with The Catholic Company sits down with Fr. Matthew Kauth, a priest in the diocese of Charlotte. Fr. Kauth is the chaplain at Charlotte Catholic High School and a professor of theology at Belmont Abbey College. He recently completed his graduate studies in Rome and holds a PhD in moral theology. Because Fr. Kauth studied in Rome, he has many stories and sightings of Pope Benedict XVI.
Fr. Robert Barron (WordOnFire.org) sits down with Brandon Vogt (BrandonVogt.com) to discuss Pope Benedict's new book, "Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives" (Image, 2012). They cover several topics including the Pope's handling of the Virgin Birth, the book's controversial elements, and how this "Jesus of Nazareth" trilogy fits into the Pope's legacy.
http://en.romereports.com . --------------------- Suscríbete al canal: http://smarturl.it/RomeReports Visita nuestra web: http://www.romereports.com/ ROME REPORTS, www.romereports.com, is an independent international TV News Agency based in Rome covering the activity of the Pope, the life of the Vatican and current social, cultural and religious debates. Reporting on the Catholic Church requires proximity to the source, in-depth knowledge of the Institution, and a high standard of creativity and technical excellence. As few broadcasters have a permanent correspondent in Rome, ROME REPORTS is geared to inform the public and meet the needs of television broadcasting companies around the world through daily news packages, weekly newsprograms and documentaries. --------------------- Foll...
EWTN's exclusive 15-minute interview with Cardinal-Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, now Pope Francis. Conducted just six months ago, the future pope discusses His Holiness Benedict XVI's call for a Year of Faith, Latin America as a spiritual resource for the universal Church, the theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity, and much more.
Diocese of Savannah Bishop gives reaction to the announcement that Pope Benedict XVI will resign from the papacy on February 28, 2013.
Documentary, produced in Russia by "Blagovest-Media", ends with the specially recorded Pope's address to Russian Orthodox believers. It is the first media-project in Russian history, dedicated to the head of the Roman Church, and also the first experience in a thousand-year history of the Churches' split, when the Pope got an opportunity to address the Orthodox Russia directly.
We up in the hotel so it's going down boo
And I gotta bounce to but you want a round 2
So I turn the lights back off and we're right back on
And I forgot I gotta fly back home 'cause now I'm saying
Where I'd put my passport? Where I'd put my passport?
Where I'd put my passport? Where I'd put my passport?
Where I'd put my passport? Where I'd put my passport?
[Verse 1: XV]
You climb on my cockpit, you at the front of my plane
I watch your clothes take off as soon as I open the lane
We in Nirvana, in the sauna, treat me like Kurt Cobain
And I'm in love like Courtney when you blow out my brains
Sex pistol, watch me load up and aim
I watch you cock that thing back and I just hope that it bang
The way I bite, I bet you like, have you growing your fangs
And now I can't get home and you are only to blame
[Verse 2: XV]
My number on that hotel P card, it was Spring B-R-E-A-K
In D.R where we are, I go up, she go down, I go down, she go up
See-saw, reverse cowgirl like yee-haw, gone and take my tee off
Take your tee off and I hit it like I teed off
In your thighs, I give you Chinese eyes then I knock your chi off
You know I gotta be off 'cause my plane leave soon
And now a nigga can't leave the room 'cause...
[Hook x2]
We up in the hotel so it's going down boo
And I gotta bounce to where you went around to
So I turn the lights back off and we're right back on