

Salute to the Alexandrov Ensemble

The devastating loss of 64 choristers, orchestra members and dancers from the Alexandrov Ensemble as well as 9 journalists in a tragic plane crash over the Black Sea reverberates its shock back to my early years. The first time I heard the Internationale, it was sung by the Red Army Choir, the precursor of the […]

Mr Grabbit Has a Poetic History

C. J. Dennis

Unearthed from my library, this satirical poem by celebrated Australian poet, C.J. Dennis (aka “Den”) was published in his 1913 anthology Backblock Ballads and Other Verses – with its piercing, remarkably relevant political humour, it might stand up proudly today as a live slam performance. The Martyred Democrat A Recitation (with directions) (Begin breezily) In […]

Mostafa Mahamed AKA Abu Sulayman, Australian Terrorist Mercenary in Aleppo

Mostafa Mahamed 1

The rebranding of JFS (Jabhat Fateh al-Sham)/Nusra/AQ is purely cosmetic and strategic, enabling opportunistic calls for “unity” in East Aleppo, occupied by these AQ largely foreign mercenaries in a “death before surrender” stand at the expense of around 300,000 civilians who remain there. On the propagandist Facebook wall of Australian number one terrorist Shaykh Mostafa […]

The Aridity of the Settler Imagination

Queensland "Climate Science"

On Hearing a “Friend” has Voted for Hanson You’ve never met a single Muslim yet automatically you despise them, your putrid tick for racist Hanson betrays a guilty, greedy voice within. What’s the bloody difference between yours and Toadball’s border defence? It’s vapid new age love you spout and you want to keep those Muslims […]



You market racism inbuilt in capitalism you sell division you hawk your tools so i can on-sell fear’s smell complicit with your smug, private accumulation stolen nations down the multi-level marketing pyramid intimate and bigoted this colonial poison mass death enjoyment this ponzi scheme which only benefits you i refuse to shill your septic poo […]

Barnyard Frolics

Hypocritical Pollies

#ErdoganInsultoftheDay : The US loves Nutanyahoo more than you, an extra-special relationship despite all you do, so you’ll have to settle for second-best Merkel and throwing your detractors into prison hell. Ludicrously, Germany retains an archaic law criminalising insults against foreign leaders which has enabled the litigious Erdogan to prosecute a German comedian who devised […]

How to Grow a Garden – World Poetry Day 2016

It’s not that one has been forced to silence, rather that words have tumbled elsewhere than this blog for a while. Here’s a good excuse to restart this blog – commenting on the imprisonment of Palestinian poet, Ashraf Fayadh, jailed for “apostasy” for eight years and 800 lashes, his beheading sentence commuted by the vicious, […]

Symbolic Power Plays

Isenheim Altarpiece at Colmar - Niclaus of Haguenau and Matthias Grünewald 1512–1516

Here’s another in the Unoriginal Patriarchy series, which commenced with Sol Invictus. Take It To The Max thorned on cross cock no more crows triumphant, yet salutes her mourning below. while lambs vie, coquetting with lions on foreign barricades medusa snakes writhe disapproval in mother’s grimace. kill it, kill her now recruit sisters, initiate daughters […]


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