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Pure Poison



Something Wonky launches

Something Wonky launches

Dave GaukrogerJun 29, 20129 Comments

The Pure Poison Podcast is dead, long live Something Wonky.

Weekend talk thread June 29

Dave GaukrogerJun 29, 201277 Comments

This is it, the very last Pure Poison open thread. I think that we've said everything that we wanted to about Pure

The many definitions of "editorial independence"

Jeremy SearJun 29, 20121 Comment

Bad news for those thinking about subscribing to The Australian, according to these remarks

About this blog

Intellectual dishonesty is pure poison - A Crikey weblog

The Inappropriately Happy Herald Sun reader returns

The Inappropriately Happy Herald Sun reader returns

Jeremy SearJun 28, 20127 Comments

Yesterday she was giggling over a mother murdered for a cheap meal. Today

Emotional parliament fears for lives of people on boats; refuses to address the actual safety of those boats

Emotional parliament fears for lives of people on boats; refuses to address the actual safety of those boats

Jeremy SearJun 28, 201234 Comments

As the media demand that politicians PUT ASIDE POLITICS and SAVE LIVES but are vague on the specifics of how exactly to do that, the parliament wrestles with legislation that will SAVE

The odd things that Herald Sun readers smile at

The odd things that Herald Sun readers smile at

Jeremy SearJun 27, 20122 Comments

The Herald Sun champions psychopathic schadenfreude in its readers:

All hail our new boat regime overlords

Jeremy SearJun 27, 20128 Comments

Quick question: has something happened to our government this week that we've missed here at Pure Poison? Talking of an action by the Australian government, a columnist at News L

In which it turns out that

In which it turns out that "free speech" for certain News Ltd columnists means the right of businesses to lie as they trade

Jeremy SearJun 27, 201223 Comments

The Coalition sends out flyers to small businesses encouraging them to raise prices and b

What's the connection bw Dave and Jeremy leaving Crikey and Fairfax editors quitting?

Jeremy SearJun 26, 20129 Comments

Jeremy (from Victoria) and Dave (from NSW) announce that they're leaving Crikey at the end of the week. Suddenly

The good and the ugly

Jeremy SearJun 25, 201285 Comments

Crikey's First Dog On The Moon elegantly highlights the hideous flaw in anti-"boat people" rheto

https://www.crikey.com.au/2012/06/25/the-good-and-the-ugly/ == https://www.crikey.com.au/free-trial/==https://www.crikey.com.au/subscribe/

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