Topic / Sexuality

School slammed for giving abstinence imbecile a platform

Meet Brad Henning, above, a Christian abstinence advocate who thinks that ‘immodestly’ dressed girls ‘unleash a guy’s God-given sexual urges’ and are therefore to blame for anything bad that may happen to them. He’s by no means the only Christian (or Muslim or Jewish) knucklehead who thinks this way, but Henning, who runs an abstinence […]

Muslim chastity campaigners were caught having sex in car

Two prominent Muslim politicians – Moulay Omar Benhammad, 63, and Fatima Nejjar, 62, above –  have been suspended from Morocco’s Unity and Reform Movement (MUR) after they were allegedly caught having sex in a car on a beach. The pair are known for preaching the importance of chastity and were both serving as vice presidents of the […]

Homophobic Christian group accidentally boosts gay event

A ‘malicious’ attempt by the Stop Safe Schools Coalition to sabotage an LGBTI event scheduled to take place in Australia in April has gone horribly wrong for the bigots. The coalition imagined that if their supporters bought up all the tickets for the The Victorian Same Sex Gender Diverse Formal, it would “protect” youngsters. It […]

Resurrected: Jesus, Queen of Heaven

Back in 2009, Jo Clifford, above, caused much wailing and gnashing of teeth when she portrayed Jesus Christ as a transgender woman at the Glasgay! arts festival. The show, according to this report, sparked outrage. The Christian Institute was aghast, and droves of angry Christian protesters picketed the theatre, holding signs that read: God: ‘My […]

‘Poisoned meatballs’ thrown at the Pope

‘As the Ordinary Synod on the Family continues its work, confusion and scandal spread among the faithful. Catholics are concerned that some members of this body of apostolic successors, under the guidance of the Pope, are seeking to endorse homosexual relationships, effectively question the indissolubility of marriage, and permit the distribution of the Holy Eucharist […]

Baptists in a twist over gay therapies

What happens when the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (seriously?) and the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (you gotta be kidding!)  join forces for a ‘gay cure’ jawing session at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky? Well, for starters, you attract a dozens of angry gays protesters who insist that “gay cures” […]

Catholicism is losing its appeal in the US

Most Americans who were raised Catholic but have since left the RCC could not envision themselves returning to it, according to a new Pew Research Center survey examining American Catholics and family life. The Washington Post reports that the survey’s findings were released on Wednesday, weeks before Pope Francis makes his first visit to the […]

Catholic school shamed in gay row

Earlier this year Lauren Brown, 27, above, was offered a job as a school counselor by St Mary’s Academy in Portland, but the offer was rescinded after the school learned she was a lesbian. Brown, 27, was offered over $41,000 plus benefits if she was to scuttle off and keep schtum about her rejection and […]

NSS challenges Bible-based sex ed

The National Secular Society has urgently raised the issue of faith-based sex education with Nicky Morgan, the Secretary of State for Education, following a complaint it received about a school in Middlesborough. According to this report, the sex and health education policy of the King’s Academy warns pupils of the “consequences” if they ignore the […]

‘Spare refugees the sight of bare skin’

A school in Bavaria has told parents not to let their daughters wear revealing blouses or short skirts because emergency accommodation for 200 Muslim refugees from Syria had been established close by. According to this report, the Wilhelm-Diess-Gymnasium in Pocking was closed after the refugee centre was set up,  and PE lessons were relocated to […]