Topic / Homosexuality

Will ‘Horror-Clown’ Trump keep his promises to Christians?

‘Although many pro-life and pro-family advocates are breathing sighs of relief at having dodged a Clinton presidency, they now have the task of ensuring Trump keeps his pro-life promises – and appoints Supreme Court justices opposed not only to Roe v Wade but also to same-sex “marriage” and Obergefell v Hodges.’ Those are the words […]

French court: ‘You can’t call homosexuality an abomination’

A hate-speech conviction imposed on French politician and former housing minister Christine Boutin, above, has been upheld by the Court of Appeals of Paris. Boutin breached France’s laws, which impose specific and extra heavy penalties on defamation, insults, and inciting to violence or hatred against a number of categories of persons including gay people, when […]

The futility of prayer: bigoted bakers lose court battle

The headline above a report on the Christian Institute’s website says: Ashers ‘hope and pray’ for Court ruling that protects conscience. Well, their prayers – as prayers always do – fell on deaf ears, and the Court of Appeal in Belfast today ruled against the owners of Ashers Baking Company. The McArthur family, owners of […]

Botswana’s ‘wide-open door’ slammed in evangelist’s face

After South Africa banned Steven Anderson from entering the country earlier this month, the American hate preacher trumpeted that he was still on course to ‘win souls’ in nearby Botswana. He wrote on Facebook: I feel sorry for people who live in South Africa, but thank God we still have a wide open door in […]

In Belgrade, priests ‘cleanse’ the streets after Pride event

Yesterday Belgrade’s third Pride Parade took place, much to the fury of a group of Serbian Orthodox priests and their supporters who moved in afterwards to ‘spiritually cleanse’ the streets along which the revellers had passed. Photos of priests carrying anti-gay banners appeared on the this Serbian site. One showed a homosexual being driven into […]

Orthodox Jews sentenced for attack on gay black man

A Brooklyn judge this week sentenced two Hasidic men to 150 hours of community service for their part in the vicious beating of a gay black man, Taj Patterson. According to this report, Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Danny Chun had delayed the sentencing of Pinchas Braver and Abraham Winkler, above, so they could find an […]

Hate preacher says Devil has taken hold of South Africa

As pressure mounted to have US preacher Steven Anderson barred from entering South Africa on a ‘soul-winning’ mission, the homophobic lunatic said yesterday that the country was ‘a den of iniquity’. South Africa has one of the most liberal constitutions in the world which protects gay rights. He is quoted here as saying: I literally […]

Gay bishop should never been appointed, says Anglican group

The appointment of the bishop of Grantham, Nicholas Chamberlain, above, was a ‘major error’, according to the conservative Anglican group Gafcon. Chamberlain revealed he was gay and in relationship on Friday. He was consecrated by the archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby – who has said he knew about the bishop’s sexuality. But according to the […]

Australian Anglican school slaps down anti-gay parents

When two sets of parents complained that an exclusive Sydney Anglican girls’ school – Kambala – was employing gay teachers, school council president and prominent businesswoman Sally Herman, above, came out fighting, Rather than respond directly to the homophobes, who accused the school of not “living up to our Christian values”, Herman wrote an open letter defending the […]

New animated movie slammed for being strongly anti-religious

Sausage Party, released in the UK this weekend, is a raunchy, animated adult comedy about food items that come to life, but Christian website Movieguide is less than amused: Filled with crude content and foul language, Sausage Party has a strong pagan, immoral worldview marred further by a strong pro-atheist, anti-faith message. Central to the […]