Capital Journal

Capital Journal

Why a Russian Hacking Inquiry Is in Trump’s Best Interests

Donald Trump has two big reasons to support a full inquiry into Russian hacking allegations: Lingering suspicions would continue until the issue is addressed head-on, and they would interfere with his desire for a strategic foreign-policy shift, Gerald F. Seib writes. 466

Trump Selects Trading Firm Founder Vincent Viola as Army Secretary

Vincent Viola, co-founder of high-frequency trading firm Virtu Financial Inc., will be nominated by president-elect Donald Trump as Secretary of the Army. 159

Trump Is Poised to Win Electoral College

Donald Trump appeared poised to sew up his victory Monday despite opposition groups’ efforts to block his path by persuading members of the Electoral College to snub him. 1124

President Barack Obama Pardons 78

President Barack Obama granted clemency to 231 federal inmates, including 78 pardons, more than half of the total pardons he has ordered while in office, the White House announced.

Baptist Figure Draws Backlash Over Anti-Trump Stance

Russell Moore, the public face of the Southern Baptist Convention, has been a persistent critic of Donald Trump and his supporters, and that stance has provoked a backlash from many pastors and other leaders of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination. 102

According to a new WSJ/NBC News poll, 68% of Americans believe that Donald Trump will change the way business is conducted in Washington, but are divided over what kind.

Americans Believe Trump Will Bring Change; Disagree on What Kind

A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll found a majority of those surveyed believe Donald Trump will change the way business is conducted in Washington; one-third of that group thinks it will be the wrong kind. A majority in the poll also said they were significantly bothered by reports of Russian hacking aimed at influencing the election. 666

House Panel Urges New Law for U.S. Cellphone Surveillance

A House committee has recommended Congress pass a new law to create national standards for how police officers and federal agents use powerful cellphone tracking technology in their investigations.