Down by a third: Melbourne to see fewer apartment completions in 2017

Slowing to a walk? Charter Keck Cramer has cut its anticipated Melbourne apartment completions for 2017 by almost one-third.
Slowing to a walk? Charter Keck Cramer has cut its anticipated Melbourne apartment completions for 2017 by almost one-third. Jessica Shapiro

The number of new apartments scheduled for completion in Melbourne in 2017 has fallen nearly one-third as developers have slowed or delayed projects, Charter Keck Cramer figures show.

The property consultancy expects 16,300 new apartments to complete between January and December, down almost 30 per cent from the 23,200 it was predicting for calendar 2016.

Only about 5 per cent of projects have been withdrawn – that is, construction didn't start and they are no longer being marketed. A further 20 per cent are being marketed, citing delays due to construction commencement or restrictions in finance and while some of these may fall over, most were likely to commence construction in the next six months, CKC said.

But the current estimates, while still subject to revision, show nearly three-quarters of projects are progressing as predicted. And while some completions – about 14 per cent – may be delayed into 2018, this showed the ability of the development industry to respond to slow production of new apartments in anticipation of the new wave of supply, said Robert Papaleo, Charter Keck Cramer's national executive director.

It's good news, as it makes an implosion of the apartment industry – amid soaring stock levels and falling prices – less likely. Melbourne apartment prices fell 3.2 per cent in November, CoreLogic figures show.

"This is evidence of the market self-regulating and the benefit of the off-the-plan regime and why reliance on simplistic forecasts of supply (ie planning or building approvals) for such a dynamic market can be easily distorted and cannot tell the story," Mr Papaleo said.

Tighter credit rules

However, the figures, CKC's own, fit with the trend of falling Victorian apartment approvals since regulator APRA instructed banks in December 2014 to ease their investor loan growth and banks pulled back on lending to developers. In the 12 months to October, new unit approvals in Victoria slowed to just over 30,000 from 37,100 in October 2015.

Michael Holm, the executive chairman of commercial real estate financing and investment group Balmain Corporation, agreed the market was self-correcting.

Tighter credit rules were making it harder for developers to buy new sites, Mr Holm said. In addition, banks were making it harder for developers to get construction finance by demanding more equity, only lending in certain geographical areas and by requiring more presales before releasing funds.

The biggest risk to the apartment market was from sales that failed to settle – and the peak of settlements due was between September this year and June next year – but to date, failures had been less than anticipated.

"The early part of it hasn't been as filthy as everyone thought it would have been," he said.

Still, given the number of apartment developments they still had to digest, banks would take longer than the 18 months Malaysian developer JSK Properties predicted it would take for them to ease lending again, Mr Holm said.

"Banks will come back – they always do – but my guess is more like two, two-and-a-half years," he said. "It'll be a long time before the market gets back into synch."

Mr Papaleo said completions were likely to increase in 2018, but the funding environment would determine how much higher the figure would be.