

NGO working in the field of North-South cooperation, migration, childrens rights and global education

Iscrizione a aprile 2013


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  1. Tweet fissato
    27 apr

    ATTN in : Please let us know what’s useful for you in terms of and virtual , in times of . Takes you only 10 minutes, tops! Thanks in advance :)

  2. 27 nov
  3. 26 nov

    Last few days to register for the webinar "Love thy Neighbour/Hate thy Neighbour - The choice is yours"! Link to register:

  4. 26 nov

    The announced revision of the Specific Residence Authorisation (SAR) will destroy the integration efforts of hundreds of migrants, resulting in people remaining undocumented and being denied access to the most basic rights.

  5. 23 nov

    During the webinar, you will hear about: - Finding peace within ourselves first - Using conflict as an opportunity for healing - Finding common ground with our ‘enemies’ - Training to be a community facilitator JOIN US!

  6. 20 nov

    📣 are ! They have the right to be heard and to participate. & all : translate your commitment to include them in discussions into REAL action! So that all children can really exercise their rights. ❤️ Join our pledge! 👇

    Join our pledge today! https://destination-unknown.org/petitions/destination-unknown-pledge/
    , , e altri 7
  7. 20 nov

    20 years of research and practice by led to the understanding that some essential communication skills are missing for most of us. In response to this, she developed the . Register for our webinar here:

  8. 18 nov

    Join , MBE for an online talk about the challenges of living in harmony with neighbours who do not share the same culture and traditions. Limited places available, register at this link:

  9. 4 nov

    The Initiative calls on States & the international community to rapidly & significantly strengthen its response to forcibly . Failure to act now will fail millions of children . Read our statement ⬇️

    , , e altri 7
  10. 31 ott
  11. 30 ott

    EU is essential expression of global solidarity to , says the report. Find the report here:

  12. ha ritwittato
    29 ott

    Thank you to our speakers and all those who participated in the launch event! With so much more to be discussed, the conversations about the future of development cooperation were challenging and fruitful. We cannot change from the outside.

    , , e altri 4
  13. ha ritwittato
    28 ott

    "We need to have a different narrative. One of making a fantastic change in Europe to become green and digitalised. We need to push the transition, and in doing it," says Mr Felix Fernandez-Shaw

  14. ha ritwittato
    28 ott

    "To be strategic and achieve the , we need to identify vulnerabilities and increase resilience to ," says MEP

  15. ha ritwittato
    28 ott

    "With so much focus on the quantity and quality of aid, maybe we need to rethink our reporting of countries that are giving less aid but giving it where it is needed," says Paul Okumu, Head of Secretariat at Africa Platform

  16. ha ritwittato
    28 ott

    Our 2020 launch event is underway! "We need a focus on development effectiveness instead of management effectiveness," says

  17. 28 ott

    The knock-on effects of failing to provide enough are painfully clear. This is an urgent call to scale-up efforts to

  18. 28 ott

    Even before , the EU was off-track in its support to partner countries.

  19. 3 ott

    In the past 7 years, over 20,000 migrants lost their life at sea. With every death, humanity is increasingly diminishing the right to be called human. Do not let humanity drown!

  20. 23 set

    The Hotspot approach has undeniably failed. The proposes more containment at EU borders and on islands. Where is the ‘Fresh Start’ ?

  21. 31 ago

    It's been an incredible month for 1Run! We've totally smashed through our initial €15,000 aim thanks to all the amazing donations! On behalf of everyone involved, we would like to say THANK YOU ❤️


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