
Thompson and Cogan debate opportunism

An article by x22063 describing a 1932 debate between Fred Thompson of the IWW and J. Cogan of the Communist Party USA-aligned Trade Union Unity League, in Duluth, Minnesota. Originally appeared in the Industrial Worker, March 8, 1932 (Vol. 14, No. 60, Whole No. 793).

Did Lenin Distort Marx?

Socialist Standard April 1970

Debate between Steve Coleman (the Socialist Party of Great Britain) arguing 'Yes' and Monty Johnstone (Communist Party of Great Britain) arguing 'No', taking place at Islington Central Library, London on 11 November 1982. Full audio recording also available online.

Only Socialism Offers Any Hope for the Future

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Conservative Party Conference 10 October 1980

Debate between Steve Coleman (Socialist Party of Great Britain) and Kate Hughes (Conservative Party), 2 February 1982 taking place at University College, London. Full audio also available online.

How Can a Real Revolution Be Achieved?

Black Flag organ of the Anarchist Black Cross magazine logo from the 1980s

Transcript of the opening remarks of a debate between Dick Donnelly (for the Socialist Party of Great Britain) and Albert Meltzer (for Black Flag) taking place on 12 February 1987 at the Duke of York in London. Full audio recording also available online.

Labour party debate What is Socialism?

Is Labour Government the Way to Socialism 1946 SPGB pamphlet cover

Transcript of the opening remarks of a debate between Steve Coleman (for the Socialist Party of Great Britain) and Councillor Laurence Spigel (for the Labour party) taking place on 4 April 1985 at the Duke of York in London. Full audio recording also available online.

Did Trotsky point the way to socialism?

Trotsky A Graphic Guide cover by Geary

Transcript of the opening remarks from a debate between Adam Buick arguing No (for the Socialist Party of Great Britain) and Hillel Ticktin arguing Yes, (Critique Journal) taking place on 24th January 2009 at Hillhead Library in Glasgow. Full video recording also available online.

A Marxist Critique of Anarchism

Karl Marx and Mikhail Bakunin

Transcript of the opening remarks from a Marx Centenary special talk by Steve Coleman for the Socialist Party of Great Britain on 28 August 1982. Full audio recording also available online.

Is Britain Worth Dying For?

Lady Olga Maitland (Families for Defence) arguing with CND in 1987

Transcript of the opening remarks from a debate between Steve Coleman arguing No (for the Socialist Party of Great Britain) and Lady Olga Maitland arguing Yes, (Women and Families for Defence) also a member of the Conservative party, taking place on 19 January 1984 at Islington Central Library in London. Full audio recording also available online.

On the ‘social strike’: Contribution for the Plan C Fast Forward Festival September 2015

We send the following thoughts ahead of the Plan C festival hoping that it will allow people who attend the meeting to prepare and people who cannot attend to take part in the debate.

On the union debate

A collection of articles, responses and replies to a debate on unions in 2013.