David Graeber

Are You an Anarchist? The Answer May Surprise You!: David Graeber

An introductory text on Anarchist Principles via a series of questions.

David Graeber's Homage to Rojava

The imperialists and the ever-faithful Western “Lefts”, led by chronic NATO-cheerleading “Academic Anarchist” David Graeber and the effervescent celebrity-left cling-on Charles Davis, are attempting to appropriate the Syrian Kurds and engineer a situation in Syria very similar to events that occurred during the Spanish Civil War – both from the perceived propaganda angle with regard to the “Lefts”, and the concrete with regard to the imperialists.

The utopia of rules: on technology, stupidity, and the secret joys of bureaucracy - David Graeber

According to Graeber’s bureaucratic procedures “are invariably ways of managing social situations that are already stupid because they are founded on structural violence.” But what Graeber means by structural violence is a system “that ultimately rests on the threat of force,” whether police officers, drill sergeants, tax auditors, or all the other agents who support a system that spies, cajoles and threatens. This complex of definitions lands Graeber squarely in the anarchist tradition, and though he layers contemporary anthropological theory into his analysis, he serves up a clear and generally jargon-free argument.

"Where license reigns with all impunity": an anarchist study of the Rotinonshón:ni polity

Aiewahtha Wampum Belt

Generations before historical contact with Europeans,the Six Nations of the Rotinonshón:ni united through the Kaianere'kó:wa (“the Great Good Way”) into the same polity and ended blood feuding without economic exploitation, stratification, or the formation of a centralized state.

On David Graeber: 'Victory in Kobane. What next in the Rojava revolution?’

David Graeber is a very thought-provoking thinker. But his recent youtube talk is more striking for what is not said than for what is.

5,000 years of debt?

William Hogarth, "The Rake in a debtors' prison", from "The Rake's progress", 17

Aufheben's critical review of David Graeber's book Debt: The first 5,000 years.

Toward an anthropological theory of value: The false coin of our own dreams - David Graeber

This innovative book is the first comprehensive synthesis of economic, political, and cultural theories of value.

The promise of an anarchist anthropology: the three burials of the anarchist project - Natalia Buier

In this article, anthropologist Natalia Buier discusses David Graeber’s proposition of an anarchist anthropology. She focuses on three key issues: Graeber’s understanding of ethnography and its role within the politics of anthropology, his reading of the anarchist tradition, and his involvement with the Occupy Wall Street movement as a concrete example of the limitations of the political project of an anarchist anthropology. The argument of the article is that Graeber’s representation of the discipline of anthropology, together with his partial reading of the anarchist tradition, run counter to a political and analytic focus that centralizes the notions of class and exploitation.

On the phenomenon of bullshit jobs - David Graeber

David Graeber traces the 20th century promise of a 4 hour day and how we got unproductive labour instead.