Andrew Kliman

The failure of capitalist production: underlying causes of the great recession - Andrew Kliman

The failure of capitalist production: underlying causes of the great recession -

Andrew Kliman's book on the great recession following the financial crisis of 2008.

The unmaking of Marx’s 'Capital': Heinrich’s attempt to eliminate Marx’s crisis theory

By popular demand: Andrew Kliman, Alan Freeman, Nick Potts, Alexey Gusev, and Brendan Cooney respond to Michael Heinrich's article in Monthly Review..

Direct action makes history

A recent Occupy Wall Street spokes council meeting

A central part of our organising practice at Recomposition is direct action. In this piece our comrade Marianne addresses criticisms of Occupy Wall Street and the importance placed in that movement on a direct action strategy.

The make-believe world of David Graeber: reflections on the ideology underlying the failed occupation of Zuccotti Park - Andrew Kliman

Andrew Kliman of the Marxist-Humanist initiative criticises the arguments of David Graeber, which have been widely influential within the US Occupy movement.

"Marx's Concept of Intrinsic Value" by Andrew Kliman

This essay delves into the often misunderstood topic of Marx's distinction between value and exchange-value. From Historical Materialism 6, Summer 2000.