Los Angeles

The Hollywood blacklist - Dan Georgakas

Brought in front of HUAC: Lucille Ball, star of I Love Lucy

A short account of the blacklisting of dozens of writers and actors from the movie industry in Hollywood amidst the anti-communist hysteria of the late 1940s and 1950s.

Reflections on "Straight Outta Compton"

I just saw Straight Outta Compton near my home, in a tiny theater that dates back to the silent era (1913) and which has miraculously survived the wrecking ball. It brought up so many vivid memories and thoughts since N.W.A.'s music was kinda the soundtrack of my life as I grew into adulthood and was politicized by events depicted in the film.

Reflections on Jean Seberg and the Black Panther Party - Elaine Brown

Elaine Brown speaks

Fascinating extracts from the memoir of Elaine Brown, the only female leader in the Black Panther Party. Here she recalls Jean Seberg and other celebrities' involvement, the role of COINTELPRO, and the manoeuvrings of Eldridge Cleaver within the party.

1965 Watts riots photo gallery

Watts riots, Los Angeles, 1965.

Images from the 1965 Watts riots, which took place in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles from 11th-17th August 1965, resulting in over $40 million in property damage. The most severe riot in the city's history until the 1992 riots, it is considered by many to be one of the key turning points in the civil rights movement.

Revolutionary Autonomous Communities / Comunidades Autonomas Revolucionarias Zine #1

A publication of Revolutionary Autonomous Communities, an anarchist influenced "revolutionary federation of community councils and liberated spaces based in occupied communities made up of oppressed people of color" in Los Angeles.

The Disney cartoonists strike, 1941 - Sam Lowry

A short history of a strike by Disney animators in 1941 and the organisation in the years building up to it.

1992: The LA riots

A brief account of the six days of rioting which set Los Angeles aflame following the acquittal of four police officers who were filmed beating black motorist Rodney King.

2003-2004: Los Angeles supermarket strike

The history of a huge five-month strike and lockout of 70,000 supermarket workers in California, which ended in defeat.

LA '92: The context of a proletarian uprising

Distorted by the bourgeois press, reduced to a mere 'race riot' by many on the left, the L.A. rebellion was the most serious urban uprising this century. This article seeks to grasp the full significance of these events by relating them to their context of class re-composition and capitalist restructuring.