

The Vladimir Putin-Donald Trump bromance could send gay rights backwards

For someone who claims to love the gays, Donald Trump sure does love to cosy up to people of a less tolerant persuasion.

First he chose Mike Pence as his vice presidential running mate – the same Mike Pence who signed into law a bill that allowed business owners to refuse services to gays and lesbians.

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Then he chose for his campaign chief executive Steve Bannon, whose Breitbart News is known for publishing rollicking yarns such as "Kids raised by same-sex couples twice as likely to be depressed, fat adults". (Pfft, as if we gays keep carbs in the house.)

Following The Day the Earth Stood Still in November, Trump began populating his administration with a kind of Suicide Squad of anti-LGBTQI villains, among them Jeff Sessions – an attorney-general nominee publicly against the expansion of the definition of hate crimes to include LGBT victims – and Dr Ben Carson, who believes homosexuality is a choice and claims to have some insight into when that choice is made: "a lot of people … go into prison straight," he has said, "and when they come out they're gay".

Now Trump's making flirty eyes at Vladimir "cleanse the gays" Putin. It's another reason to worry that America's leadership position on gay rights is in peril.

The "Vlonald" courtship is unfolding like a particularly steamy chapter of global-leaders fan fiction: Two nations, both alike in dignity; two star-crossed lovers, both alike in bullishness. The pair exchanges messages via television news interviews like sweet missives smuggled by a helpful go-between – "at least he's a leader," coos Donald on MSNBC's Morning Joe; he's a "smart person", Vlad coquettishly tells Russia's NTV – and flirt outrageously on Twitter: Trump's 140-character refusals to condemn Putin's hacking operations ring like sonnets in the Kremlin's ears.


Last week Trump sent a dozen red roses in the form of ExxonMobil chief executive Rex Tillerson's nomination for secretary of state. Tillerson – whose company's nondiscrimination policy excluded LGBTQI workers until 2015, a year after President Barack Obama issued an executive order requiring federal contractors to do so – is a dealmaker with close ties to Igor Sechin, Putin BFF and chief executive of Kremlin-owned oil company Rosneft.

If it looks like America's about to get into bed with Russia, that's probably because the sheets are pulled back and the robes have hit the carpet.

This is bad for all sorts of reasons we're seeing play out in the news right now, from the Moscow-abetted carnage in Syria to revelations of Russian interference in the US election. But it could also prove a big step backwards for LGBTQI rights globally. 

Putin's record on those rights is, of course, abominable. He has drawn rightful condemnation for his support of Russia's hardline ban on "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations" among minors – a law that essentially blocks the dissemination of any information about homosexuality, or programs supporting LGBTQI rights, to young Russians for fear it might queer them up. He back-pedalled in the lead-up to the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics to avoid athlete boycotts, but continues to use the issue to rile up conservative fervour at home, even at the most frivolous level. Just last month Putin and other MPs from his party slammed the makers of the soccer video game FIFA 17 for including rainbow jerseys as part of a week-long promotion in support of a group fighting homophobia in sports.

All this as Russia's LGBTQI community lives in fear. In the past few years, vigilante groups such as Occupy Pedophilia, emboldened by official rhetoric, have tortured gay men in the name of protecting children; gay festivals and pride parades have become scenes of anti-gay violence, and groups like the Human Rights Campaign say authorities are doing little to stop, and condemn, the violence.

In his final presidential debate against Hillary Clinton, Trump took aim at his opponent's foundation for its ties to certain anti-LGBTQI regimes: "It's a criminal enterprise," he said. "Saudi Arabia giving $25 million, Qatar, all of these countries ... these are people that push gays off business – off buildings … And yet you take their money." It was a valid point, if factually garbled (the Saudis aren't gay-friendly, but it's Islamic State that has punished homosexuality in that specific way). In light of Trump's increasingly cosy relationship with Russia, it's also a hypocritical point.

Under the Obama administration, the US has been a moral leader on LGBTQI rights. I won't forget the sight of the White House awash in purple, red, orange, green, blue and yellow after the Supreme Court's decision that allowed same-sex marriage nationwide. Nor the day Obama signed a law expanding the definition of hate crimes to include crimes against the LGBTQI community. Nor will I forget reading in February 2015, with some perhaps foolish optimism, that Secretary of State John Kerry had announced the appointment of Randy Berry as the State Department's first-ever special envoy for the Human Rights of LGBT​ persons.

The goal of that position is to push to end laws across the world that criminalise same-sex relationships and to reduce and take action against LGBTQI-targeted violence. It is about countries like Uganda, and Saudi Arabia and, yes, Russia. Will such a role continue to exist in a Rex Tillerson State Department? Maybe. Will it carry the same moral authority under a Trump House – with Putin on speed-dial and Bannon down the hall? 

Trump's campaign manager and transition spokeswoman, Kellyanne Conway, often defends her boss' comments about women by directing critics to his actions – ignore the locker-room talk and focus on his elevation of her and other women to positions of power. When it comes to Trump, she has said, "I would say watch what I do, not what I say".

Follow that advice when it comes to LGBTQI rights, and you won't like what you see.

Joel Meares is a Fairfax Media columnist.