Latvian Regional Development practice discussed in Tashkent

A number of senior employees responsible for regional development of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance, khokimiyats of Jizzakh, Namangan and Tashkent regions visited Latvia on September 4-12, 2016 to learn the Latvian practice of regional...

Participate in the European Commission Programme and win a scholarship

Are you an undergraduate student in the field of agriculture and water management?  Do you want to contribute to managing water resources in the country? You have a great chance to participate in the European Union Programme to win a scholarship to a European-recognized University in Water Management!...

MIT.UZ Open Data Challenge 2016 contest will take place in Tashkent

On November 24-27 in Tashkent will take place an annual contest to develop applications using open government data –MIT.UZ Open Data Challenge 2016. The contest is organized by the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan, UNDP Uzbekistan, «Electronic...

Placing Foreign Marketplaces within SME Reach

By blogging consultant James Brindley Developing the SME sector is one of Uzbekistan’s priorities for economic growth, part of this effort related to building links with international business. Since its inception in 2011 the ‘Aid for Trade’ project has assisted small and medium businesses to participate in trade...

UNDP and national partners to foster cooperation on human rights in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is state-party to more than 70 international human rights instruments, including 6 (ICERD, ICCPR, ICESCR, CEDAW, CAT, CRC) out of the 9 core UN human rights conventions as well as 4 optional protocols. After ratification of these conventions, Uzbekistan had taken a number of legislative and institutional...

Raising public legal awareness on minors’ rights to support payments (alimony) is vital for protecting the interests of children

Protection of family, motherhood and childhood is a state policy priority and a key principal of development of our society. According to the Articles 63 and 64 of the Constitution, "The family is the primary unit of the society and shall have the right to protection of the society and state” and “Parents shall be...

Joint vision of Central Asia countries on SDGs discussed in Almaty

A Regional Conference Towards a Common Vision for Agenda 2030 in Central Asia started today in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The event was initiated and organized by UNDP, UNEP and the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC). The three-day Regional Conference brought together national (from five countries...

Uzbek delegation visited Latvia to study its e-services

A delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan visited Latvia on October 16-21, 2016 to learn the Latvian practice of streamlining public service delivery mechanisms through e-government. The study tour was organized by the UNDP Uzbekistan project "E-Government Promotion for Improved Public Service Delivery" and the...

Events on disaster reduction were held in Uzbekistan

To celebrate an International Day for Disaster Reduction a number of global initiatives have been held during these days all over the world. Every year, on October the 13th, this global event is reflected in the nationwide activities on raising awareness about the required actions to reduce disaster risk, which are...

Improving public services quality and access to public information

United Nations Development Programme in collaboration with local khokimiyats and other concerned departments implemented a project in Jizzakh, Namangan and Tashkent regions aimed to improve public services procedure to businesses on the principle of “one window” and increase transparency of local governments....

Improved relations between Mass Media and Judiciary

In order to ensure the openness of information on civil courts activities Presidium of the Supreme Court of Uzbekistan has approved a Regulation on rules of presence of mass media at open court sessions of civil courts on September 19, 2016. The Regulation was developed within the framework of the joint Rule of...