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  • At Home, Russia Spins Tale of Success in Syria

    At Home, Russia Spins Tale of Success in Syria

    State media, museums, even videogames project the Kremlin’s message that only Moscow can resolve the nearly six-year conflict.

  • U.K. Weighs Cost of Brexit Nuclear Option

    The U.K. has spent six months debating where it wants to go. But now, with just three months until Prime Minister Theresa May intends to formally start the Brexit process, it is grappling with a new question: How to get there?

    U.K. Weighs Cost of Brexit Nuclear Option
  • Poland Beset by Political Crisis

    Poland’s president met with opposition politicians in an effort to defuse a burgeoning political crisis that has sparked three days of antigovernment protests in the EU’s largest former communist country.

    Poland Beset by Political Crisis
  • Russia’s Global Martial Arts

    Russia is exerting an outsize influence on events in Europe, the U.S. and the Middle East in ways it hasn’t for decades, Stephen Fidler writes, despite it being by most economic and demographic measures a country in decline.

    Russia’s Global Martial Arts
  • U.S. Deploys Tanks to Bolster Europe Force

    The U.S. Army began moving tanks into a Cold War-era storage facility in the Netherlands, part of an effort to return heavy weaponry to Europe in the face of Russia’s military buildup.

    U.S. Deploys Tanks to Bolster Europe Force
  • Greece Passes Measures Opposed by Creditors

    Greece refused to back down in its rapidly escalating conflict with creditors, as lawmakers passed measures to loosen the purse strings in a move that has angered Germany.

    Greece Passes Measures Opposed by Creditors
  • EU Clarifies Ukraine Pact’s Terms to Appease Dutch

    European Union leaders agreed Thursday that the bloc’s new agreement with Ukraine won't set the country on track to join the EU, yielding to a demand by the Dutch.

    EU Clarifies Ukraine Pact’s Terms to Appease Dutch
  • EU Leaders Plan Military Overhaul After Pressure From Trump

    European leaders are set to move forward with plans aimed at stepping up military spending, which officials said is partly a response to pressure by the incoming Trump administration to shoulder more responsibility for the continent’s defense.

    EU Leaders Plan Military Overhaul After Pressure From Trump
  • EU Leaders Discuss Brexit Without May

    European Union leaders held a brief meeting Thursday without U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May to agree on the division of labor between EU institutions as they choreograph the coming Brexit negotiations.

    EU Leaders Discuss Brexit Without May
  • EU Leaders Demand Immediate Cease-Fire Around Aleppo

    European Union leaders demanded an immediate cease-fire around Aleppo and the establishment of a humanitarian corridor but took no fresh action to pressure the Assad regime or its Russian backers over the crisis in Syria.

    EU Leaders Demand Immediate Cease-Fire Around Aleppo
  • RNC Security Foiled Russian Hackers

    Russian hackers tried to penetrate the computer networks of the Republican National Committee, using the same techniques that allowed them to infiltrate its Democratic counterpart, according to U.S. officials who have been briefed on the attempted intrusion.

    RNC Security Foiled Russian Hackers
  • Brexit, Geopolitical Uncertainties Pose New Risks for Eurozone Banks, ECB Warns

    The European Central Bank warned that eurozone banks face new risks from political uncertainty in Europe, notably the fallout from Britain’s Brexit vote, as it ordered lenders to maintain their capital levels next year.

    Brexit, Geopolitical Uncertainties Pose New Risks for Eurozone Banks, ECB Warns
  • Germany Deports 34 Afghan Asylum Seekers as Election Year Looms

    Germany flew 34 rejected Afghan asylum applicants to Kabul despite protests from human-rights groups, a signal of a harder line by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government as it scrambles to address public discontent over migration with an election year looming.

    Germany Deports 34 Afghan Asylum Seekers as Election Year Looms
  • BOE Holds Rates, Flags Global Risks

    The Bank of England held its benchmark interest rate steady, saying the outlook for the global economy has darkened amid renewed strains in emerging markets from rising interest rates and a strengthening dollar.

    BOE Holds Rates, Flags Global Risks
  • In Syria, Russia Acts as U.S. Pulls Back

    The recapture of Aleppo by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces presents a stark example of Washington’s pullback in the Middle East at a time when Russia and its partners have stepped in to drive events, said U.S., European and Arab officials.

    In Syria, Russia Acts as U.S. Pulls Back
  • Eurozone Suspends Greek Debt Relief

    Greece’s European creditors suspended proposed debt-relief measures after the Greek government surprised them by announcing it would boost welfare benefits for low-income pensioners, a sign of escalating tensions over the country’s bailout.

    Eurozone Suspends Greek Debt Relief
  • The Risky Business of the Bank of England’s Brexit Warnings

    To hear the BOE warn of risks of a sudden stop in funding for Europe is music to the ears of London bankers as well as Brexiters, who see it as confirmation that the U.K. has significant leverage over the EU in its exit negotiations, Simon Nixon writes.

    The Risky Business of the Bank of England’s Brexit Warnings
  • ‘Brexit’ to Join the Oxford English Dictionary

    It’s official. Brexit means “the (proposed) withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union, and the political process associated with it.” So says the Oxford English Dictionary, the self-described record of the English language, which included the word in its latest update.

    ‘Brexit’ to Join the Oxford English Dictionary
  • Top EU Diplomat Says Bloc Is Ready for Trump

    The European Union is prepared for more deal-oriented ties with the U.S. once Donald Trump takes office, the bloc’s chief diplomat said, adding that approach won’t prevent cooperation on issues including the Iranian nuclear deal.

    Top EU Diplomat Says Bloc Is Ready for Trump
  • Italy’s New Government Wins Final Confidence Vote

    The new government of Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni won a second and final confidence vote in the Italian parliament, but by a thin margin that reflects the difficulties the cabinet might face in future votes.

    Italy’s New Government Wins Final Confidence Vote