• Banned Burners

    Ethanol burners will be illegal to sell in WA from Wednesday due to safety concerns.

    Ethanol burners banned
  • Prescription codeine is a 'silly decision'

    The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has decided that products containing codeine will be available through prescription only from 2018. But the National President of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia says it's an unnecessary move with over 4.5million products were sold nationwide, only 2% were highlighted or refused sale.   "We think it's a silly decision that the TGA's made in reference to low dose codeine-containing products that are available over the counter now," George Tambassis said.  Listen to the interview here... 

    There's a push to make codeine an over the counter drug, because of its health risks.
  • Australia to keep AAA rating despite MYEFO

    Two credit ratings agencies are confident Australia can retain its AAA credit rating.

    Mathias Cormann

Talking Perth

Banned Burners

Ethanol burners banned

1:59 PM   Ethanol burners will be illegal to sell in WA from Wednesday due to safety concerns.

Prescription codeine is a 'silly decision'

There's a push to make codeine an over the counter drug, because of its health risks.

11:25 AM   The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has decided that products containing codeine will be available through prescription only from 2018.

Australia to keep AAA rating despite MYEFO

Mathias Cormann

Two credit ratings agencies are confident Australia can retain its AAA credit rating.

Getting to know your Christmas Turkey

cr: William Meppem Adam Liaw - Roast turkey with Prune and Macadamia nut stuffing

The Christmas dinner is hardly complete without the traditional turkey and the turkey industry can barely keep up with the demand.

'Rottnest is not a creche'

Police have warned Rottnest Island is "not a creche" for children to be left unsupervised.

Police have issued a warning to parents not to leave their kids on Rottnest Island, without supervision this Christmas period.

Nahan says 'don't bloody panic' over energy bills

West Australians could see their energy bills rise as much as $200.

West Australians could be looking at a $200 increase in their energy bills in the next two years according to a new report.

'How can he ever be freed?'

A man will spend just 14 years behind bars for sexually assaulting his daughter over nearly a decade.

A man in his 50s, who sexually assaulted his daughter for a decade from the age of two has been jailed for 14 years.

Cannabis-growing pensioner spared jail

Miriam Down grew cannabis to treat her mentally ill son.

A Perth pensioner faces losing her home after admitting she grew cannabis plants to treat her mentally ill son.


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Hughes back-slaps and sledges Smith

Merv Hughes and his famous mustache!

Ben Cameron   Former Australian quick Merv Hughes says he supports Steve Smith's decision not to enforce the follow-on, but questioned his second innings declaration. 

Buchanan backs cards in cricket

What do you think of the card system being introduced to cricket?

Ben Cameron   Former Australian cricket coach John Buchanan has thrown his support behind a card system being introduced into cricket. 

Marsh knows the score

Mitch Marsh in action for Australia in the 2016 Cricket World Cup.

Ben Cameron   Mitch Marsh says it's a "simple equation" if he wants to get back in the Test team and it is runs equals re-selection. 

Wilson shining for Glory

PERTH, AUSTRALIA - NOVEMBER 18: Rostyn Griffiths of the Glory celebrates a goal during the round seven A-League match ...

Perth Glory youngster, Brandon Wilson, stepped up in the absence of Josh Risdon and it helped to lead his Glory to a drawn result on Friday night.

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Shane Jacobson hosts a new entertaining series challenging the misconceptions about retirement living.

Healthy And Happy At Home

Join us on the path to independence, and informative series hosted by Joanna Maxwell that takes a look at the stories of everyday real people choosing to live life on their own terms as they get older.

My Active Life

Don't let osteoarthritis slow you down. Click here to find out how Christine stays active.

Work. Life. Money

Following the success of Ross' Money News program, we have a weekend Show that focuses on work, life and money.


Family Rule

Daniella Rule and her nine daughters

A single mother of nine daughters has opened up her home to the cameras for a new documentary. Chrissy Morrissy spoke with Daniella Rule about her story...

WA's best Christmas ham

Will you serve up a ham this Christmas?

A Malaga-based smallgoods producer won best bone-in ham and runner-up boneless ham for Western Australia in the 2016 Ham Awards.

Cosentino: Anything Is Possible

Cosentino. Supplied pic, 2015.

Australian magician, Cosentino, was a boy who couldn't read, but he stumbled across a magicians poster book in the puzzle section of a library that lead him to his love of magic.

Deborah Conway's new album

Cover of the album Everybody's Begging by Deborah Conway and Willy Zygier.

Australian singer and songwriter, Deborah Conway, has put together a list of personal songs performed with her partner, Willy Zygier, in her new album.