
'Learning disability has been invisible for too long. Now it's time to see it.’

UK charity Mencap is behind 'HERE I AM’, a new campaign to ensure people with a learning disability are heard and understood. And Edge, a longtime supporter of the charity, has taken to Twitter and Instagram to add his support.

'Join me in supporting@mencap_charity #HereIAm campaign - Edge’

Learn more about the campaign and add your own support here.


10 November, 2016
Thank you
Here in the US, learning disabilities are the least spoken about and understood of the qualifying factors for special education; it seems like most of the news, research funding, and services are being offered to the more commonly discussed disabilty of autism. As a special education teacher of kindergarten through 3rd grade students (5 to 8 year olds), I am very pleased to see a well-know, respected (and loved) artist put his name behind a campaign to bring the issue of discrimination against people with learning disabilities to the general public. Though I love and respect all of those I teach, I must admit that students with a learning disabilty hold a special place in my heart. Each student is a bright, unique individual with his or her own way of learning and, while finding what does and does not work may be challenging/frustrating/difficult for teacher and pupil alike, it is a real pleasure to for both of us to find that something that just clicks!
01 November, 2016
Here I am
Thank you so very much for supporting this cause. I spent many years in the USA working with adults. It is refreshing to have a celebrity advance this cause. Thank you!
26 October, 2016
Edge your a Legend
Hi Edge i got Aspergers syndrome mild Austism and i been through a lot of tough times i hope you can help get rid of the bad stigma to do with disabilities like mine and make life worth living its tough being judged your a legend
23 October, 2016
we all known you are perfectionist, but some people highly demand your new album... so "how long we must sign this song"?
21 October, 2016
The Edge. The longtime friend who inspires me!
21 October, 2016
Feeling Seen
This really hits home for me. As the mother of lovely and talented 18-year-old twin daughters (musicians and also U2 fans) who have a learning disability, it has been painful at times to see them feel invisible and misunderstood. Thank you for bringing attention to this and for helping to dissolve the stigma associated with learning disabilities.
21 October, 2016
Thank you!
I´m an educator for mentally handicapped people and people with mental illness. It´s not just my profession - it is passion. I love my job! For 16 years i've been working in this profession and i'm not tired of it! I see the people on the same level. I believe this is the reason why i still have fun and pleasure in and for this profession! It´s not always easy, but it´s a fulfilling task! I thank The Edge very much for his commitment! Thank you! :)
21 October, 2016
Go Edge Go!
Edge is just a good guy. Nothing more nothing less.
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