
101-year-old paedophile Ralph Clarke jailed for 13 years in Britain

A 101-year-old paedophile has been jailed in Britain for 13 years for committing a string of sex offences against young children in the 1970s and 80s.

Retired truck driver Ralph Clarke had already been warned to expect a significant custodial sentence for 17 offences of indecent assault, 11 of indecency with a child and two attempted serious sexual assaults.

Clarke, believed to be the oldest person ever convicted by a jury in Britain, pleaded guilty to nine offences relating to a male victim partway through a two-week trial at Birmingham Crown Court.

Judge Richard Bond QC said despite Clarke's age, he showed no remorse.

"You present as a fragile old man; however, what was plain to see was that, despite your guilty pleas, you have no remorse whatsoever," Mr Bond said.

Sentencing Clarke, Mr Bond told the pensioner his offending against three vulnerable youngsters, one as young as four, had been "repeated and sustained" over many years.


He said the children had been "powerless" to stop the former Royal Air Force serviceman, who would threaten and beat those who defied his word.

"One of your victims remembers you as a nasty man, free with your fists, and he would get belted by you," Mr Bond said.

Clarke would also try to "bribe" his other young victims after abusing them, with sweet money of "10p or 20p".

Praising the victims for coming forward and giving evidence, Mr Bond contrasted the emotional and psychological damage the offences had done to them with Clarke, who, he said, had been "able to lead your life without being punished for your dreadful acts".

Throughout the sentencing on Monday, Clarke shook his head and said "No, no, no".

His victims finally contacted police in August last year after they saw Facebook posts celebrating Clarke's 100th birthday.

Prosecutors decided that despite his age, he should go on trial because of the severity of the crimes.

PA with Reuters