Saturday, November 19, 2016

Goleta - demos (200?)

I absolutely love this.  Named after the seaside southern Cali city from which they presumably call home, Goleta registered on my radar thanks to the appearance of "Flat Earth Society," on the Joey Cape curated Happy Meals Vol. 3: Songs to Run Away From compilation in 2002.  And speaking of Mr Cape, Goleta's Thom Flowers performed with him in Bad Astronaut on a series of stunning records in the '00s.  I really became endeared with the powerful but bittersweet "Flat Earth..." but assumed it was a one-off wonder, as I had no evidence that the band released anything further.  Quite by accident and sheer good luck, I recently happened upon four whole tunes by Goleta, and am presenting them here.

Flowers and Co. weren't exactly bent on reinventing the wheel - or even embellishing it.  Not to mention the fact that about 75% percent of these tunes could take over the airways given the right push.  Goleta's tact smacks of Summercamp, Ridel High, Super Deluxe, mid-90s Goo Goo Dolls, and more negligibly the Foo Fighters.  Say what you will about some of those aggregations, but Goleta's riffy power pop boasts depth, not to mention a sweet spot a mile wide. The first three cuts are worth their weight in megabit gold.  Not to be avoided, the concluding "Good Night" is a slower, sobering comedown, and a bit of a curveball by contrast.  Give 'er a listen, and as usual comment as you see fit.

01. Flat Earth Society
02. Satellite
03. Broken Hearted
04. Good Night


Unknown said...

Just giving this a listen now... woah... it is fabulous. Totally in line with Ridel High, Summercamp, Adventures of Jet, etc. What a find!!!

spavid said...

Glad someone noticed (and appreciated). Indeed, pretty amazing.

GlobeXplorer said...

Agree great songs. Nice find!