Monday, December 19, 2016

Dee Rangers "Five Spanish Minutes"

The Dee Rangers could be one of the greatest overlooked bands in garage rock today, but why that is is simply beyond me. Maybe it’s because they’re Swedish, and have simply been given the slip because of the success of so many other Swedish rawk’n'roll acts, who knows...... I guess it’s a good thing we don’t have to rely on hype to know what’s good, right? Well, some of us don’t, I suppose. The garage freaks in Europe seem to know what’s up, as these guys have been invited to play at some pretty high-profile festivals over the past year or so, including Gearfest in Sweden this past June, the Primitive 2 Dutch International Garage Festival in July, and they’re booked for the Spanish Beat Goes On festival that’s taking place just a couple of weeks from now. And there’s good reason why they’re finally getting this much-deserved exposure. While these guys have been kicking some serious garage-punk ass for quite a while now, accumulating quite an impressive discography of singles on such great labels as Estrus, Rockin’ Bones, and Munster, they haven’t been able to put forth that one really great record that might just push them to the top of the heap… that is, perhaps, until now. Quite frankly,Five Spanish Minutes was one of the best rock’n'roll releases of 2005, yet unfortunately I don’t think many people on this side of the Atlantic even knew about it. In fact, only one person even bothered to list it in the Best Albums of 2005 topic on the message board (go figure). This is simply a fantastic album, and, in this humble reviewer’s opinion, is easily the band’s best to date (the other two being 2002’s So Far Out So Good and 2003’s Pretty Ugly Beat—both on the now defunct White Jazz label). This new LP, which was released towards the tail-end of 2005 on Germany’s Screaming Apple Records, is ripe with organ-driven, hip-shakin’, swingin’ ’60s-flavored garage rock, and the album is not short on great songwriting that includes powerful hooks that make it one of the most memorable LPs I’ve heard in quite some time. But what impressed me most about this album was the band’s obvious departure from the more Fleshtones-influenced sound of their previous records. I don’t know if “matured” is the word I really wanna use here (since maturing in rock’n'roll is usually so closely related to suddenly sucking ass), but it’s clear to me that they’ve really come into their own on this release and have nailed down a sound that is anything but bland or predictable retro-garage. Indeed, it’s records like this that clearly show that this often overly crowded genre still has the potential to produce exciting music that takes the best elements of the past and throws them at ya with enough verocity that you can’t help but be optimistic about the future of garage rock. Let’s just hope that the Dee Rangers continue to be a part of that future. Enjoy the MP3s below. They’re my top picks from Five Spanish Minutes. (
1. You Gotta Understand 2. Hey Girl 3. Those Days Are Gone 4. Something I Don't Know 5. Easy To See 6. Empty House 7. Back In My Life 8. I Miss My Girl 9. Out In The Jungle 10. Girl I Know 11. Show Me 12. This Is Dee Day
...originally served by Gyro1966...


RYP said...

Dee Rangers "Five Spanish Minutes"
gitit! pw: rideyourpony

Pubbi said...


Fuzz And Farfisa from Chicago, USA

An insider tipped me off to The Goldstars, veterans of the Chicago rock and roll scene who apparently got together as friends to simply play the music they loved. What brought them together was a mutual affection for the golden age of primitive rock n’ roll as they worshiped the holy trinity of the Farfisa organ, the fuzzed-out guitar, and the wailing voices of American kids trying to sound like British kids trying to sound black.
Chicago isn’t a foo-foo veggie burger eating town, Chicago loves the steak AND the sizzle, yet the Windy City has been starving for a meat-and-potatoes rock and roll band amongst the post-rock, punk, power pop and alt-country factions. The Goldstars are just the ticket.
Sal is an ideal frontman, his white blues shout, his bass often held aloft, his mop of hair shaking, there is no doubt as to his sweaty commitment. To his right, Skipper mans the keyboards, which he has festooned with gold tinsel. Skipper frequently serves as the emcee, sometimes takes over the bass chores, but his keyboard contributions give every Goldstar tune the right amount of zip. To Sal’s left, filling in on guitar, stands Dag. This guitar virtuoso razzles and dazzles while pumping out the basic chords or concisely slicing up the crowd with a solo. Maintaining control while somehow still adding to the frenzy is the drummer, Goodtime. A band can’t truly rock without a great drummer and The Goldstars truly rock, so that gives you an idea of Goodtime’s skills. He not just the beat of the band, he’s the heart.
The electricity of the Goldstars is no surprise when you study their pedigrees. Goodtime and Skipper are both members of Chicago’s most beloved party rock and roll band, The New Duncan Imperials, who have been entertaining thousands with their white trash sounds for years. Dag was last seen playing with Poi Dog Pondering & The Greenwoods. And Sal was hiding his (Gold)star qualities as the drummer for power pop titans, The Krinkles.
The Goldstars are a four-man fun factory, tight as a drum, yet relaxed as can be, showing why the sounds of yesterday are worth playing today. The Goldstars recognize that a great song is a great song, and the only way to rock seriously is by not taking rock and roll too seriously.

Goldstars - Gotta Get Out! (Pravda Records 2003) @320

Goldstars - Purple Girlfriend (Pravda Records 2006) @320

Goldstars - Tasty Instrumentals (Pravda Records 2008) @160

montysmusic said...

A selection of albums for your listening pleasure[first 2 my rips/links/all others my links]

ELO-Balance Of Power[320]+bonus tracks[1987].zip

the railway swing band-st[320].zip

jazz swing

The Pub Landlord-My Gaff My Rules[320].zip
my rip/link adult comedy



Wikkid Pissa said...

WAND RECORDS Singles 1959 - 1969

Wand Records was a subsidiary of Sceptor Records. From 1959 through 1969 they released about 200 singles. Contained here is 315 of the sides. (Wand released singles into 1976). I used the discography in The R&B Indies Vol. 4 as a source and it may contain some errors. Some of the missing sides can be found on ebay and such, but a lot of what I saw was going for $50 or more. I don't mind paying $10-$15 for a single, but it would have to be pretty special for me to go higher. Perhaps one or two of the 500 or so people that will download this will take the time and see if they have any of the missing sides and share them here. On the spreadsheet the right column is color-coded. If it's gold then the song is here. If it's gray it's missing. Season's greetings from the left coast of sunny and hot Florida. I hope everyone has a wicked pisser Christmas.

Wand Records Singles 1959 - 1969 Part 1 of 8

Wand Records Singles 1959 - 1969 Part 2 of 8

Wand Records Singles 1959 - 1969 Part 3 of 8

Wand Records Singles 1959 - 1969 Part 4 of 8

Wand Records Singles 1959 - 1969 Part 5 of 8

Wand Records Singles 1959 - 1969 Part 6 of 8

Wand Records Singles 1959 - 1969 Part 7 of 8

Wand Records Singles 1959 - 1969 Part 8 of 8

LoFi Larry said...

On Request:

Os Tartaros “The First Portuguese Surf-Garage Band, 1964-1967” (2012) 320
-Rough Garage Rock & Roll

Gasoline “Fake To Fame” (2001) VBR
-Japanese Garage Punk Trash

Shake “Let Me Wear The Morning Sun” (2005) 320
-Contemporary Folk Psych

Shake “Twilight Sleep” (2009) 320
-Their second album, in case you need it